48963 TME5

48963 TME5


Time-traueling conqueror

Bom in an alternate timcline in 3000 AD, Nathaniel Richards (a descendant of Mr.

Fan iastk:’s father, who borc rhe sanie mmc) discovered time-travel tcchnology that cnabled him to journey virtuaily anywhere lic liked in che timestream.


Richards’ firsr stop was .indem F.gypt, where he seized powcr and ruled for a decade as Pharaoh Rama- lut umil forccd to flee after a figlu willi ihe I ani asik Four. Arriving in the 4<>ch ccntury. Iie briefly bccame tlie Scarlet Ci vi urion beforc scttling on the namc Kang the Comjueror. Kang found the century in turmoil and e.isy to subjugate.

Looking for ncw challenges. Kang traveled to 1901 and established the city ofTimely.Wisconsin in lńs guise asVictor I imely. He assembled an elite warrior class, the Anachronauts, from all eras of history beforc returning to the 40th century.There he tell in lovc with Princess Ravonna. After her death during a revolt by Kangs troops. he tried and failed to beconie the consort ot the Celeslial Madonna (Maniis). killing the original Swordsman in the process.A futurę version of Kang. calling himself Immortus. tried to thwart his younger self s aggres>ive schemes. but Kang would not be contained. and assembled the original Legion of the Unlivin<..

Tho Ayongcrs tacod Kany stmrlly after the teams foundmg. and h»«vw dsshed with him ooi/itioss tnies Since. During lho 'Destmy War.' Kang łtardptcked a group Ot Avenyers fnxn aCTOSS tho t niestream to ad liis fight agair-st Immortus,

Kang's Gang

Atter a stint in 1873 Arizona and many other inne hops. Kang gathered alternate versions of himself from branching timestreams and formed tlie Council of Kangs. The Kangs killed any duplicatcs deemed nnworthy umil only the prime Kang remained.

Kang joined with Libra, the Kree Supremę Intelligence. and tlie Avfngers io prewm Immortus and the Timf.

Ki epfrs from wiping out a multitude of alternate realities. During the battle. Kang md Immortus s histories dieerged. Kang then coiKjuered modcrn-cra Earth with his son Marcus (the new Scari et Centurion), hut met dcłoat at the lunds of the Avengers. DW


HEIOHT 6 ft 3 in WEIOHT 230 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown


Avengors Vot. 1 U8 (Septombor 1964)

oki    mi iię» mswsai. ina orny

thlng for wtucfi Kang truły carod was itie beautlful pnncess Rnvortna. His obsession for hor inspłrod swerał of


Master of Inne tmvol: su! orosides crhancod slrenylłi, lorce fiek1 projocooo. and onergy

fjrufeetłon: Kang te typtcalły amied willi futirtetic




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