11116 TME(3

11116 TME(3

Itwestigator willi irresistible powers

Jessica Drew, the original Spider-Woman, was bom in the 1920s. SufFering from radiation poisoning, she received an injection ofspidcr serum from her fathers research partner— the man who would become the High Evolui ionary. Drew remained in a genetic accelerator for decades, finally emerging at the relative age of 14.


* asłca Drew OCCUPATION Advonturef BASE


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-.si.ę ;xrToet>£T^

HE/OHT 5 ft 10 in WEIOHT 130 Ibs EYES Green HAIR Brown (dyed black)


Marvel Spothght vol. 1 #32 (February 1977)

Ultf mony siiperhununs.

Jessica Drew gained her powers os j resuli of forbiJJni science.

Enłianced slrcngtM. spood. and hoarlng; ffight: scpertwian heaing faclor; ernrts nxxxi altońng plteromonos that attraci both soxcs; ab Wy to adhere lo walls and fire electńc *vencxn blasts."

sfMT.ll YC.Iłs siu- IlYed Will) the    jl

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ukI bccoming their assassin.Arachnc. Nick ofSl IILL1) convinccd her to Ieave l 1YDR.A. and Drew became a Super Hero in Los Angeles. Calling • Spider-Woman. Drew believed tor a titne that she was a der e\olved to human form. She later becanu* a bounty hunter, prieato imestigator. Spider-Woman saved the life of (ii.\Ni Man (Bill Fostcr) through a blood transfusion. ind lost sonie of her powers in the process. She i en lost all her powers when a villainoti$

Spider-Woman named Charlotte Witter.    '

iole them. Drew then became a mentor /&,%*>+'    A Jfc

•    W o:    p

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*v\v has sińce regained her

'riner abilities. serving as an agent    /

SHIF.L1) and as a member of

iic New Avfnc;fks.    /

H i ti/ls Ifi Spider-ltónui/i glidf, >ihJ she coit tiow Jiy un.tssiileJ.


• The Spider-Woman *1

Spidor-Womon: Origin *1-6

leoibH' ty* tltH Nttw A’. New Avengers ni

ii i Carpenter became the sccond heroic •ider-Woman, making her debut during the - »m>er s Sccret Wars. She received her •wers from a sccret government agency and ined the mutants of Fk.ff.dom Forck, later rving with both the Avkn(;irs. Wi s i Coast d its spinolT. Forci. Works. She lost her •w ers at the hands of Charlotte Witter.


The third Herok* Spider-Woman was Mattie Franklin. ' tlie niece of J.Jonah Jameson. She briefly lost lier powers to Charlotte Witter, but later re-absorbed the powers of all the other Spider-Women, induding Witter. Franklin ^ was the most inc.Yperiemed Spider-Woman. and relied on guidance from Jcssica F)rew to eon troi her powers. O W



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