Titanium Man
suit ałso generate shockwaves, and pormits superson»c flight.
FIRST APPEARANCE Daredev.l Vol 1 *126 (October 1975) REAL NAME Brock Jones
OCCUPATION Crimefighter BASE Cłairton, West Wginia HEIGHT 6fi WEIGHT 200 Ibs EYES BkłO HAIR Blond SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Battlesult provldes damage
FIRST APPEARANCE Tales of Suspensę VW. t *69 (Sepl 1965) REALNAME Boris Bullski OCCUPATION Formar Russian champion BASE Mołbłle HEIGHT (without amnor) 7 ft 1 m WEIGHT (without armor) 475 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Unusual strength proportonate lo his giant size: armor provided flight. enhanced strength, near-mvulnerato»ty. and the aWity to fire energy Wasts from hands.
Russian invcntor Boris BulLski dcviscd ihc Titanium Man armor in order to crush Iron Man and win favor with his superiors. As Titanium Man. Bullski lost to Iron Man in a tclcviscd slugfcst of East vs.Wcst. A sccond Titanium Man, the mutant known as the Gremlin, died when his armor exploded. Boris Bullski later returned as an agent ofAIM. but died in battle with Iron Man. A new Titanium Man recently appeared, failing m his bid to sabotage Tony Stark s mission to destroy a comct that was on course for F.arth. OW
FIRST APPEARANCE Web of Spider-Man #36 (Marcb 1988)
REAL NAME Lonn»e Thompson Lincoln
OCCUPATION Professional hitman BASE Mobrlo
HEIGHT 6 ft 7 in WEIGHT Unknown EYES Pink HAIR Whito
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Enhanced strength. speed.
stamina. and reflexos: skiied hand-to-hand fighter and assasstfi.
Lonnic Lincoln was bom an African-Amcrican albino. He grew up in I larlem, New York City withjoe "Robbie” Robertson, włiom he eoereed into keeping quiet regarding a murder that Lincoln had eommitted. Lincoln • ecame an assassin lor niob figuressuch as the Kinc.pin, and gained superhuman powers after exposurc to an sperimental gas. Following i stint with the Sinistcr Twelve, Tombstone served a prison term in the Cage and receivcd a heart bypass operation. He eseaped. and remains at large. DW
FIRST APPEARANCE Werewolf By Night *13 (January 1974)
REAL NAME Unreveated. possibły Topaz
OCCUPATION Sorccress BASE New York City
HEIGHT 5 fl 3 m WEIGHT 100 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES A trained sorceress with a mułtrtude
of mystic spells at hor command. primarily empathy-based in naturę.
Branded a witch after she madę a flower bloom in the desert as a child.lopaz was incarcerated in a prison camp, where she was adopted and trained in the mystic arts by Taboo. Topaz served as the familiar for Taboo s sorcery umil. in pursuit of Jack Russell, the Werewolf By Night,Topaz turned against her mentor rather than allow Russell and his friends to como to harm. It bas been prophesied that, one day Topaz will bc capablc of wiping away the cvils of the world. Topaz recently joincd forees with Jennifer Kale and Satana as the Witches to recover the stolen Tome of Zhered-Na. TB
rasistance; turbojots at wrists and anklos add power lo punches;
Inventor Michael Stivak bccamc the lirst Torpedo when his uncle, Senator Eugcnc Stivak. com iticed him to build a battlcsuit. In truth. Senator Stivak had bccn prodded to do so by the cxtraterrcstrial Dire Wraiihs, who wanted to a weapon capablc of defeating •ir enemy Rom the Spaccknight. After the younger Stivak s death. Broc k Jones fought crime while wearing the costume and femled ofT Senator Stivak s elłorts to rctricve it. He died in his adopted hometown of Cłairton. West Virginia while battling the Dirf Wraiths. dw
Trainer,Dr. Seward
FIRST APPEARANCE Peter Pjaker: Spider-Man Vol 1 *54
(January 1995) REALNAME Seward Trainer OCCUPATION Geneticist BASE New York City HEIGHT 5 ft 10 in WEIGHT 200 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES A gerous in the fiekte of blology and genetic engineeńng
So brilliant that be was once employed by the High Evoi.utionary, geneticist Seward Trainer gave in to Grhkn Gobi.in Norman Osborn $ blackniailing and participated in a plot to crush Simdkr-Man Peter Parkę rs morale.
By tampering with the Jackai s research,Trainer madę it appear that Parker was a clone. Dr.Trainer bccamc a father figurę to the rcal clone, Ben Rcilly (Scarlet Spider), but died at the hands of the viliain Gaunt before he could confcss his role in the schemc. I lis daughter Carolyn Trainer briefly took the identity of Dcktor Octopus II. dw
FIRST APPEARANCE Strange Tales *104 (January 1963)
REALNAME Peter Petruski
OCCUPATION Crim.nal BASE New York City
HEIGHT 5 ft 10 in WEIGHT 160 Ibs EYES Brown HAIH Brown
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Carnes awortod we.ipr.uh at all
limes, most of thom applications of his pastę-formula.
Chemist Peter Petruski liappened upon a formula for a super-strong, quick-hardening adhesive. He constructed a special łiandgun that could project it without clogging, and set out to make his name among the criminal fraternity as Pastc-Pot Pete. Howevcr. not even a namc-change to the Trapster and an alliance with the Wi/.ard, the Sandman. and Medusa as the FkioiiTFUI Fot u has brought him the respect he craves. Something of a laughing scock because of his first villainous alias and his choice of weapon. the Trapster notietlielcss remains a persistent threat—no niatter how often heroes like the Fantasiu: Four or Simdlr-Man defeat him, he always comes back for morę. TB