(Vance Astrovik) Psychokinesis. mental force btasts ALETA
Can create objects of solid ł*ght. CHARUE-27
Enhanced strength and s tarnina. MARTINEX
Enhanced strongth. projection of heat and cokl NIKKI
Resistant to heat and bright llght. sharpshooter.
Flight. enhanced strength. energy projection.
Skilled archer. mystical sensory abilities BASE Mobile
Guardsman Guardians OF THE
In an alccrnaw umelinc of the 3Ist t emury, the Guardians of the Gala\y act as protcctors of the Milky Way. The gnmp
formed m response to the Badoon imasion of 3iH)7. wił ich dcemuted Pluto. Mercury. Jupiter, and I-.jrth Fhc Guardians dcfcated the Badoon by 3015, thcn Iłccame advcnturervThc\ bave traveled to Eanh s current rc.ility scvcral times, bccoming honorary mcnibers of the Aven<.i RS.The Guardians* adventures in thcir own unie included j quest for Captain America\ shield. At this timc,Vance Astronk convinccd his younger self to follow a diłferent path, lcading to his mainstream vcrsion bccoming Maryli Boy (later Justice). Other tcammatcs have inc Hollywood (a futurę Woni >kr Man): the felincTalon, the shapeshifting Skroi i Replica, a timc-tr.»velingYelIowjacket II. and the for mer herald of Gai acius,
Imreiord. dw
1 Spnt of N/angoance fGhost Ffclen
2 Martn«x 3 RepAca 4 PhotrwK 5 Firełord 6 Ht iiYAKjod (Wonoe» Man)
FACTFILE REAL NAME Kevin 0'Brien OCCUPATION Research scientat BASE
Long Island. New York
Iron Man *43 (November 1971)
Kevin 0’Bricn headed up Stark Industries* rcsean. li department and aided Iron M an agaimt the Si*ymaster and the Espionagc Elitę. After revo.iling chat hc was Iron Man, Stark asked 0*Bricn to substitutc for him if the nccd arosc.That day came before 0*Bricn’s Guardsman armor had been fully tcsccd. Stark was kidnapped: ( )’Brien put on his armor. but its circuitry
malfunctioned. stiinulating areas of 0’Brien
FIRST APPEARANCE Ayongers »168 (Febfuary 1978)
REAL NAME Henry Peter Gyrich
OCCUPATION Adventurw BASE Washington. DC
HEIGHT 6 ft 8 WEIGMT 225 EYES Green HAIR Red
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Gynch s a normal human bemg witfi no superfujman powers. a cunning. ruthless stralegtst and htgniy eft>c*ont administrator
Kovin 0'Brton trtos on the Guardsman armor for the frsttimo.
Henry Peter Gyrich was appointed by the US National Security Council
aison to tlie H
Armor migments slrengthand enoiłles fHgni: il w also eguippod ■MKv fi •K»:lłrx) ^gfl
hrain responsible
' for ragę and jcalousy. Guardsman and Iron Man elashed and Kevin was accidcntally killed. Furious. Kcvin’s brother Michael obtaincd the Guardsman armor, and fought Stark. Thcy havc sińce betonie reconciled, and Michael led a Guardsman forte guarding the high-tcchVault prison. AD
Urumateły. Tony StariCs victory over the Guacrisman <Jep«ided oo ttó greotor oxportonco.
to be a government li;
Avkn<;krs. He chreatcncd to cut I
ofTthe Super Hero tcams ■
unlimitcd airspacc acccss and usc ('$ of top sccrct govcrmncnt cquipmcnt unless the team followcd his rules. After rj
ovcrsccing Avengers activities w
for many months, Gyrich was madę special consultant to Project Wideawake. a plan to oversee mutant actieity in America and comhat the threat of foreign mutants and alien invaders.To this end, he took the Bro i i ilriiood of Evii Mutan in and changed thcir name to Fri edom Forc.l. mt