XI’AN CHI XAN With his left hond ho dlsintogrates matter. with his rtght hand ho heals injurios. CEREBRA
Detects mutants with hor mind. KRYSTAUN
Creates crystals from thtn ar. MEANSTREAK
In an alternate futuro, the Farth is ruled by ni.»lcvolent. self-serving corpor.ition\ and mutants havo bcen outlawed— forced underground.
In thc year 2099. ono mutant dedicated himsolf to overthrowing tliis oppressive world ordor. Gathering somo of tho surviving mutants togothcr to form a new band ofX-Mi N. thc almost messiamc Xi’an Chi Xan (also known as thc Descrt Ghost) began challenging this status quo.
Initially based at a mountain fortress in New Mcxico chat had oncc bclongcd
Travełs at supethuman speeds. METALHEAD
nrit. intncMu
Touchos any metal and assumes < ^
its propen »os SKULLFIRE
Absorbed energy mak es his skeleton glow.
Transmutes body to devek>p rad skin and bat-like wings.
The Savage Land,
to an enemy named Master 7.hao. thcsc X-Mcn were to bcconic thc protcctors of Halo City in
(lalifornia. which had bccn declared a safo havcn for mutants. I Iowcver, when an approaching Phai *nx planetoid causcd scvore Hooding, mutants and humans wcrc foreed to Hec to tho Savago Land. iri thc Antarcdc. Following tho Phalanx s dofoat. humanity is now in a position to robili!ci. With humans and mutants now united togothcr. thc futuro is, oncc again, fuli ofpossibilities. AD
X-Men 2099 #1
(Octobcr 1993)
X MEN ;3Oif9
MEMBERS AND POWERS HENRIETTA HUNTER Empathlc po wers, could resunrect hersełf. V1VISECT0R Could shapeshift into wolflike form.
ELGUAPO Coold levitate while riding a skateboard.
DEAD GIRL Can return to life. can become intangible and commumcate with the dead. VENUS DEE MILO Body composed of pure energy. could self-teleport and project energy blasts.
DOOP SeM-levitation ANARCHIST Acidic Sweat generated energy bołts.
MISTER SENSITWE (Orphan) Sełf-tevitation. superhuman speed. heightened senses.
PHAT Could inerease the size of any part of his body
Mr Sensuwe and Wonus j wero lewara until tx>th died j ' on thoir (Inal nn$s>on. i
(as X-Force) X-Force Ul 16 (May 2001); (as X-Statix) X-Slatix tn (Septembcr 2002)
Rarhcr than htde tłieir mutant nbilitics from a bigoted humanity, thc members of X-Statix took a completcly oppositc approacli.
Thcy used their mutant powers to bccome rich and famous.Thc team was known as X-Forco, having stolcn the name from another mutant band.
The members of this now X-Forcc battlod criminals to protcct thc public. But thoir advonturos wcrc telecast as a realny show, and members became cclcbritics.They paid for thoir success with their lives. During ono show, most of the team, including the leader Zeitgeist. wcrc massacred. Only tho Anarchist, thc tcleporter U-Co Girl, and Doop survived.
Guy Smith, alias thc Orphan and Mister Scnsitioe, became the leader of thc team. Other reeruits included Bloke. Dead Giri, FI Guapo, Phat. Saint Anna, thc Spike, Venus Dec Milo. and thc Vivisector. Smith was succeeded as leader by the Anarchist and mutant pop star I lenrietta Hunter.To avoid potential legał action, the group changcd its name to X-Statix.Thc team continued to sufler fatalitics, and the roster was completely wiped out on X-Statix s finał mission. PS