Information Advisory Sub-Committee by its Chairman (who was asked to include one of the German members and Mr. Flodin).
The membership of the Information Advisory Committee was expanded by adding the following names:
Kr. F. Jtfrstad (Norway)
Prof. Z-C Moh (S.E.Asia)
Dr. A. Silveira (Brazil)
The ISSMFE members were asked to remember the importance of the framework of the classification system already agreed by our Society at immense labour, on which the present Geotechnical Abstracts (and other systems) depend.
Prof. de Beer agreed to act as co-ordinator between the three groups.
19. Further to Minutę 9, Dr. Meigh brought in detailed proposals based on a uniform subscription per member plus a variable sum per country.
The arrangement agreed at Moscow brought in the following income:
$ 4900 (22%) @ $100 from 49 countries 17202 (78%) from indiv.members
par le Prśsident de cette Conroission (on lui aemande de nonmer notarment un membre allemand et M.Flodin).
La ocmposition de cette Gcmmission oonsultative est agrandie en ajoutant les personnes suivantes:
M. F. Jprstad (Norv£ge)
Pr.Z-C. Moh (Sud-Est Asiatiąue)
Dr. A. Silveira (Bresil)
Les deiegues memhres de la SIMSF sont priśs de garder A 1'esprit 1' importance du principe du systSme de classification deja adopte, aprds de tres grands travaux, par notre Sociśtd; les Geotechnical Abstracts (parmi d'autres) sont intimement lies S ce systeme.
Le Beer accepte le role de coordinateur des 3 groupes.
19.Suitę au § 9 ci-dessus, le Dr.Meigh soumet des propositions detailldes basees sur le principe d'une cotisation fixe pour chaque membre majorśe d'une senne variant d'un pays 3 1’autre.
Les dispositions adoptees S Mosoou produiraient:
$ 4900 (22%) a raison de 100$ pour les 49 pays $17202 (78%) provenant des cotisations individuelles $22102 des membres
His revised proposals would bring in
$13350 (55%) from the 49 countries
10832 (45%) @ $1.00 from indiv.members $24182
The ratę for any National Society was obtained by multiplying the group number of the country (ranging from 1 to 8) by $75.00 but the mechanism could clearly be varied, eg by using a multiplier of $100.00 or by varying the per capita charge.
The amounts for each National Society were indicated by Dr. Meigh.
The adoption of the scheme outlined by Dr.Meigh using $75 x the group number and a per capita ratę of $1.00 to take effect from lst January 1976 was proposed by Prof. de Mello and seconded by Prof. Z-C Moh. (Appendix 7)
The voting was as follows:
Les propositions presentees produiraient $13350 (55%) provenant des 49 pays $10832 (45%) 3 raison de 1,00$de cotisation par $24182 membre
Le tarif d'une Sociśte Nationale donnśe est obtenu 3 partir de 1'indice de groupe du pays (classś de 1 A 8) multipliś par 75,00$ , mais on peut §vidorinent modifier cette rśpartition, par exanple en multipiiant par 100,00$ ou en faisant varier la cotisation par manbre.
Le Dr Meigh cite les montants pour chaque pays.
Le Mello, appuyś par le Pr Z-C Moh propose 1'adoption de ces dispositions (75$ x 1'indice du groupe et tarif de 1,00$ par membre) a partir du ler janvier 1976.
(Annexe 7)
Le scrutin donnę:
Pour |
19 |
Contrę |
14 |
Abstention |
4 |
The motion was adopted and Dr. Meigh was warmly thanked for his work. Dr. Wolski asked that the Budget and Finance Sub-committee should consider the difficulties of some of the smaller countries and report to our next meeting. This was agreed.
20. It was agreed that a country in bad standing (i.e. who had not paid their subscription for 1974) would not be entitled to vote and accord-ingly the Vice-President for Asia was not permitted to record a vote for Iran.
21. A motion that the Tokyo Conference should be cancelled was madę by Prof. Komornik who madę
an offer, signed on behalf of the Israel Society, to host the IXth Conference in Jerusalem from llth-15th July 1977 using essentially the same
La motion est adoptee; le Dr Meigh est chaleureuse-ment felicitś de son travail. Le Dr Wolski demande que la Conmission sur le budget et les finances examinent les difficultós des plus petits pays afin d'en rendre ccmpte ź notre prochaine r^union. Cette motion est adoptee.
20.On decide qu'un pays d§biteur (n'ayant pas verse ses cotisations pour 1'annee 1974) n'aura pas le droit au vote; ainsi, le Vice-PrŚsident, Asie, ne peut voter au nom de 1'Iran.
21.Le Pr.Komornik propose que la conference de Tt>kyo soit annulśe; il presente une iiwitation, signde au nom de la Societe Israeiienne, pour recevoir la 9&ne Conference a jerusalan du 11 au 25 juillet 1977, avec plus ou moins le mSme programme que