4 Writing
Choose one of the tasks and write 100-120 words.
1. You have bccn asked by an international rnugazine for young people to write a short ARTICLE answering the question:
What invention do young people today find most important in their lives?
2. At the college where you are studying you have seen the noticc shown below and are interested in getting invo!ved. However, you need some morę information. Read the notice carefully, together with the notes you have madę. Then write your LETTER, covering the points in your notes and adding any relevant information.
We are offering free accomniodation in the centrc of major cities during the vacation - plus pocket money - to young people offering to help on projccts in poor areas of the city. Wc offer opportunities with the very young, the old. the nuemploycd. Work on huildings aud gardens, in clubs and charity offices.
Write to us sayiug what you can offer, what kind of work you would be prepared to do and what dates you are available.
- which cities?
- can you choose?
- how long?
- stay where exactly?
- friends work together?
- pocket money - how much?
- hours?
- frec time?