Riot Squad
Can project psionic (orce fields. HOTSHOT
Can project psionic (orce fieids. OGRESS
Enhanced strength and damage resłstance.
Super-geruus inteilect. SOULMAN (deccased) Possessed ability to resurrect
1 Rock 2 Soul Man 3 Opress 4 Hotshot 5 6
(As normaI humans) Incredóie Hutk Voi. 2 #345 (Juty 1988); (as Riot Squad) Increctible Hutk vol. 2 $366 (Fabruary 1990)
The Riot came into being when the villainous I.fader detonated a gamma bomb on the town of Middletown. Arizona. Amazingly, a few residents survived, mutated by gamma radiation in the same manner as the HuLK.Thcse five took the cover names Jailbait, Hotshot. Ogrcss. Omnibus, and Soul Man.and became the Leaders elite guards. Oharged with protccting the Freehold basc, wherc the Leader gave sanctuary to thosc , sufFering from radiation sickness, the team fought the I Iulk on several occasions.
During an attack on the Freehold base by HYDRA. Soul Man was killed. and with the Leader also presumed dead. Omnibus took control of the Riot Squad. His teammates later put him on trial after he orehestrated terrorist bombings in an ertort to gain morę power. Despite his protestations that he had been under the control ofthc Leader when he committed the crimes. they found him guilty and banished him to the Arctic.The Troyjans later decimatcd Freehold despite the ełforts of Riot Squad.Thc team is likelv to continue as a mercenary outfit. DW
FIRST APPEARANCE X Forc® vol 1. #51 (August 1991)
REAL NAME Glona Dolores Munoz OCCUPATION X Corporation Employoo (deceased)
BASE Hong Kong
HEIGHT 5ft 9 in WEIGHT 120 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Compressrrs inorganic and organie: can dostroy smaOer objeets. I*e a mobrio phon®. allogethor.
Gloria Mimoz had a lonely ehildhood. I Ier parents dworced when she was 12 and she left home at 16. Forced to fend for herself. Gloria developed a cold, distant personalny and her tiret encounters with the mutant group. X-Force did not endear her to them. However. she became romantically involved with Warpath, even falling in love with him. before betraying him to the L>eviant known as Sledge. After making
recompense for her misdeeds. Gloria was invited tojoin X-
C .ori’Oraiton*s Hong Kong oliicc. but she waśni there lotig. While
the trade in mutant body parts. Gloria was killed by the U-Men.a group of humans secking mutant body parts to graft onto themsclves. a o
Joseph “Kolibie" Robertson, cditor in chief of the Doiły Bugh'. grew up in 1 laHcm alongside the brutal Lonnie Thompson Lincoln (Tomiisiom-.). While working as a newspaper reporter in Phiładelphia. Robertson sawTombstone kill a man, but, intimidated. kept silcnt about the murder for nearly two dccades. After years with New York s Daily Bugle, he finally gathered evidenee of the murder and Tombstones otlier crimes. only forTombstone to break his back in retaliation. Robertson recovered and tcstified against
___ Tombstone in court.
receiving a jail sentence of his own for withholding evidence. 1 le resigned from the Doiły Btiglc when Norman Osborn (the Giu i \ Godlin) purchased the newspaper, but later returned to the job. I lis son Randy attended college with Peter Parker, and Robertson is beheeed to have guessed that Peter Parker is Shdfr-Man. I Ie remains one of the few people w ho can keep Doiły Bitglc publisher J.
Jonah Jameson under control. DW
Edrtor-in-chief of the Datty Bugtet
New York City
HEIGHT 6 ft 1 in WEIGHT 210 Ib EYES Brown HAIR White
Robertson. Joe
Amazmg Spider-Man Vol. 1 $51 (August 1967)
HlgWy skJiecl wntw and doggetl irwestigalM) roport er.
I Robertson delealod hs ) nemesis Tombstone attor yoare of trying.