Namora Nth Command
As Timestream. he can travel forward or backward in time. ALBERT DEVOOR Director of the Nth Project. ABNER DOOLITTLE Sclentist w ho designed the dimensional transporter.
DR. T.W. ERWIN Mathemalician famous for his thoones of parallel tknę. GODWULF
Cybemetic technology allows him to link with computers.
Magical abilities. on par with Dr. Strange.
Was in charge of Roxxon s extra-dimensional oil drillmg facilities. ANGLER
Passes through solid materiał, teleports. travels through hyper-space.
Superhuman strength. agility.
Marvet Two-ln-One March #53 (Juty 1979)
Atcrt DeVoor. Drector of the Nth Project, addresses tlie Ńth Cominandoes.
Oueen of Atlantis. ruler of Earth
HEIOHT 5 ft 7 in
WEIOHT 145 Ibs
Extos *46 (Juty 2004)
Nth (lonimand was formed by the Rox\on Corporation to garn total eontrol Ófthe woHds energy supply.This was donc by operatiws. known as Nth Commandoes, using devices ealled Nth projectors, that could transport materia) from one dimension to another. The sorcerer. Thomas Lightner. was hired to destToy Project Pegasus, so that the Nth Command could gain a monopoly on energy rescarch. Lightner took eontrol of the time-travcling cyborg, Deatiilok, removed his organie parts. then reprogrammed him to serw Nth Command. Breaking into Project Pegasus with Deathlok, Lightner hoped to use an Nth projector to transport the entire facility to another dimension. He was stopped by the
FIRST APPEARANCE X-Tefm.nators #1 (October 1988)
OCCUPATION Conqueror. sorcerer BASE Washington. D.C. HEIGHT/WEIGHT Variable EYES Red HAIR Greonish SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Abt« to turn humans mto demons. fły ano cnange s«e; coosiderabte mysticai atxt<t*ss. knowlodge of a vast number of magical spełis.
N’astirh by lunie, nasty by naturę—that*s what they said about this demon from the Limbo dimemion. Angered when Limbo s ruler madę the human mutant. Magik, his apprentice, N’astirh felt
eompelled to rcbcl, and when a plan was hatched to takc over the Earth, N‘astirli usurped the seheme so that he could rule the F.arth.
His etTorts were foiled by Magik. however N’astirh madę a second attempt to become a world conqueror by rransforming Madelyne Pryor into the Cioblin Quecn. Ewntually, tlie X-Mi.n destroyed him. and Madelyne Pryor died not long after, proving that no bad deed goes tmpunished. A o
Namora had supertiuman strength and rfurability and ccxild breatłie in air or unckawater.
The Namora of“mainstream” Marcel Farth (Fartli-MG) was tlie eousin ofPrince Namor the Sub-Mariner. Her motlier was a surfacc human and her father an An *vifa\.
Like Namor she had pink skin and possessed similar powers. She is eonsidered the “motlier” of N >ri i a. w ho is her generically altered clone. Namora was murdered by Llyka of Lemuria.
Another Namora is a parallel Earth s fcmale counterpart of Namor. but lud bluc skin. As queen of Atlantis. she conquercd this altcrnatc Earth before joining the E.\ills. a team of interdimcnsional adwnturers. She was finally slain by the Exiles* version of I Iyperion. ps
The odginał Namora married an Attantoan namod Tołan. Aftor Talan was acddentally kiUed. Namora inovod to Lcmuno and married Prtnoe Merro
Wings on Santora’* heels enabled her tofly.
Unlko Namor. tho Exiles‘ Namora had iwo waler-hrealhng ARintean paronts. In conąuonng the surfaco world, Namora killed her altemate Earth s Avengers and Fanlastic Four.