Master criminal strateg ist; founder of HYDRA.
“Cut otFone limb and iwo morę shall takc its place!” I his is the motto of HYDRA, the głobal terrorist organi/ation has
Brilliant bureaucrat wtx> transformed HYDRA. RED SKULL
thtrałericd the world sińce the end ofWorld War II. Created by
Baron von Struckkr. HYDRA was a conventional organization with a base on a Pacific island.When US Marines destroyed this.
FIRST APPEARANCE ••• Sp*d«r M*i #212 <Janu»y 1901)
REAL NAME Morris Bench
OCCUPATION Criminal BASE Now York City
HEIOHT 6 fi 2 In WEIOHT 265 Ibs EYES Brow*' HAIR Brown
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Changw body mto watery bqmd:
can morgo with largor bodies of wato*, propols t*qukł body as if It
were sriootmg throwgh a lirę hoso. can tum body into łce or steam
Instructed Strucker to found HYDRA.
Leader of New York City HYDRA
Daughter of Arnold Brown;
one of the first women to serve m
BASE Mobile
HYDRA began to deccntralise. bccoming less easy to attack. Undcr Strucker s guidance HYDRA twicc attempted to blackmail the world, first with a Betatron bomb and later with a biological weapon, the Dcath Spore. After his death. 11YDRA focused oti criminal activitics. In recent ycars HYDRA has bccn reinvigorated. allying with the Hand to destroy all Super Herocs and preparing
for a confrontation with "Earths mightiest," theAyengers. ad
Strange Tatos 9135 (August 1965)
While working as a crewtnan on a cargo ship lowcring an cxperimcntal generator into the ocean. Morris Bench was accidentally knocked overbo.ini by Spider-Man. Exposed to the encrgy-convcrsion process of the generator, which nuxed with volatile volcanic gases, Bench gained the ability to change his body into water. As Hydro-Man he sought rcvenge ag.unst Spider-Man. Later, m .1 batdc with Sandman. Hydro-Man fused with the Super Yillain and the two hccanic a mud creature. Ewmually they were separated. Hydro-Man joined the Sinister Synimcatl and later. Green Goblins Sinister T\vclve. and continues to battle Spider-Man. Blac k Cat. and the Avi mt
Unrevealed; adopted the human identity ot Mark Milton for a time. OCCUPATION Adventurer. world leader BASE
Squadron City on the Squadron Supremes parallei Earth.
A me mb® ot'the race of Eternais on a parallcl carth.
Hyperion, unawarc of his łincage, was raiscd by human beings, and taught to use his rremendous po wers for the benełit ofull mcn.Adopting the costumed identity of ŁjjKrrion, he bccame the foremost champion of his world. and a founding member of the hemu J|quadron Suprem f .
After the Squadron was manipulatcd by the Overmini) into participating in a plan that left their world deeimated. Hyperion and his fellow Squadron members embarked on a boki
plan.They resolwd to t.ike control of their world for one ycar. and to turn it into .1 utopian State within that tinie.
Despite inicial succcss. their program met with resistancc from one ol the Sijuadron s former members, Nk.htiiawk. and before too long, Hyperion and the others realized the error of their ways; unfortunately by the timc the team were ready to disinandc the governinent they had set up, it łiad rurned into a corrupt. totalitarian regime. Ever sińce. Hyperion and the remaming Squadron members have functioncd as freedom tighters. trying to liberale their homeland. TB
HEIOHT 6 ft 4 in WEIOHT 460 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Red
Avengers 985 (Fabtuary 1971)
Ftypońon possesses aferost Imtless strongth. speed. and ondirance. Ho «impenfous to vir1uaity any #i(iiry, can I*/ through the w, and proiect radioactr/o booms of energy trom ha eyas as •Flash-NAsion.'