Teteportation: mmd eon troi
Tatepath: strat ®gist.
WioWs power lance.
The Gatherers serw pROCTOR.an cxtra-dime»sional heing. Fach member ot’the Gatherers conics froni .111 altcrnate Eartli in another dimension. On cach Óf their Harths, the Gatherers werc AvfNGRRS. Also, on cach of their Earths. Sersi. a memher of the E rwcNAls, went mad and killed ewryono.Thc Gatherers were cach the List survivors of their home worlds.Thcy were recruitcd
FIRST APPEARANCE Cabk) Ul8 (Ocemboc 1994) REAL NAME Tylor Dayspnng
OCCUPATION Would bo conqo6ror: arms doai«f BASE Motelo HEIGHT 6 tt 1 in WEIGHT 191 Ibs EYES Bloe HA1R Blond SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Mutant atehty to SOkd
hotograms tram tho memones ot anolta person. traned m mditory taebes and combat toebniquos: wears armorod sut
by Proctor to destroy St ust and the Asengcrs of Earth-616.13ut in order for the Gatherers to exist on Earth-616, they had to each kil! their own counterpart on Earth-616.This proccss was known as “gathering.” The Gatherers infiltrated the
Avengers* mansion on Earth-616 several times. In the finał battle. Procter tried to destroy all realities, but Thuni>fkstrike hit Ptoctor witli 4 bolt of lightning. and all the
Gatherers collapsed. MT
1 Cessartdra
2 Magetatono
3 .■
The adopted son of Caule in a futurę worki ruled by Aisx Am^E.Tyler I )ayspring was brainwashed by Cablcs twisted clone Stryfl into becoming his fathers enemy. Tyler trawled to the present. intent on cristiring th.it Apocalypscs rise to power would take place, and on awngmg himselfon t labie.
I le operated at fir^t tinder the alias of a rogue arim dealer named lolliver. lnu then abandoned that ulentity for direct action as Genesis. However. w hen Genesis attempted to restore Woln fkini s lost adamantium to his skeleton. the pain-crazcd mutant siew Inni. TB
riRST APPEARANCE Ayongom VW. 1 »72 (January. 1970)
OCCUPATION Prokn**onol cnmmal BASE Motele HEIGHT «(t WOCHT ISSIbS EYES Bk* MAIR Wtet* SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Poswmad f»ycNC cont/ol Ov« h>-.
tyochaf* mnd and body. couW draw upon ha hwn to doubte his own Mrcngth
As one generation of X-Min nutures so another >tcps forw.mi. in this e.ise Generation X. I iavmg cxpcricnced danger in the form of the alien collecttw imelligcuce. Phaianx. when the members of (ieneration X banded together they had a fair idea what fate lud iii storę. Acccpted bv the Xavier Itisiituies new mutant high sehool at
Massachusetts Acadenty, the team Icamed to hone its abilities and
State skin to ravoaJ sbape-stefiod body banoath.
Has 6 tt of extra skin. to marapulate as raqurad.
Superstrengtti; inwAnerabirty.
Twin brothers Josluia and Damian Link followed oppositc paths: Joshua became a Street hoodluin. w lnie I )amian joincd the police forcc. Exposure to experimental rays forged a psychic connection between the two.At tirst the connection worked both ways. but Joshua soon learncd how lo take • uupicie contro! of Damian, both physically and incntally. Operating troin his prison celi. hc forced his luother to become the villamou$
Geinini, leaving Damian witli no mcinory of the crimcs he committcd.
( •cinint worked as a cnmin.il kingpin dic 7a mha< ( ariel, aidiug their plot te • ill ewryonc in Manhattan born uiuicr the Gemini sign. Life model dci oys, sent by the Mai.gia. later killed Gemini and most other Zodiac members. o w
team members werc outed to tlie worki as niutants and. witli those iii charge of the sehool—Emma Fl«>sr .nul Sean Cassiily
(set Banshee)—becoming increasingly unstable. they dccided to go their separatc ways. ad
were mtmduced to Proifssor X’s vi$ion of the futurę. Wbile at the Acadcmy. the members of Generation X faced \arious foes. including Emim \rt. w ho preyed on the marrow ofniutanis The
Projocts expk»rve anargy botts. CHAMBER
Projects pstorAc eneryy biasts fromchost.
Mlmłcs powars of studems. PENANCE Supordonso body.
Massachusetts Acadomy
Gonembon X §1 (Novomber 1994)
1 2 V 3 4 5
0 Jubtoe 7 FWwnco 09on 0 Husk