52657 TME9

52657 TME9



God of Mischief with o will to nile Asgard

Loki was a mogałomamac. w»xł auned to overthrow his | tather and rute over Asgard. J

Loki was bom the son of Laufey, king of the Frost Giants of Jotunheim. Ashamed of Lokis smali size, Laufey hid him away, but the child s existence came to light after the Frost Giants were defeated in a battle witli the Asgardians. Odin (see Gods of Asgard), the ruler of Asgard, discovered Loki in the Frost Giants’ fortress. Realizing that Loki was the son of Laufrey, a king whoni he had slain, Odin took the boy back to Asgard and raised him as his own son.

Loki Laufeyson


God ot Mischief; lat er God of Evil



HEIGHT 6ft 4 in WEIGHT 525 IbS EYES Green HAIR Black-gray


Joumey Into Mystery VoL 1 985 (October 1962)



Unfortimately. Loki never fitted in among the inhahitants of Asgard. He nurscd a virulent grndge against his stcpbrother I hor. the God ofThunder. who possessed in abundance the hemie s|ualities prized by the Asgardians that Loki himself lacked.Jealous of the praisc Odin showered onThor. Loki took up the ilark arts of sorcery and plotted for a way to become ruler of Asgard. I lis love of trickery earncd him a reputation tirsi as the God of Mischief, and then.as he grew morę and morę cruel, the God of l*vil. After many attempts by Loki to usurp the throne of Asgard. Odin lost paticncc with him and imprisoned him within a mystieal tree. He eventually freed himself and went in scarch ofLIior, now living on Eartli in the mortal guise of Donald Blake.



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Orty Thor

the Tnckster God nom

uttimute tnumch.

EARTH-SHAKER 1’hor and his adopted hoine. F.arth. bccame the focus of Lokis attentions. He accidcntally precipitated the formation of the Avfn<;ers by inciting the Hui.k to violcncc, and tramformed Cnisher i reel intoThors foe, the Ahsorbing Man. He occasionally allied with the Enghantrlss. an Asgardian villainess, and tlirned all of Harths major SuperVillains into his pawns dnrmg the Aets of* Vetigeance eonspiracy. Loki never ceased vexingThor. yet he nevcr intendcd u* desttoy Asgard.and wilhngh defended the kingdom against threats sueh as the tire demon Surtur. ćP/RrĄ'?

By teadog amws ^ agonst Asgard,

hetood ach«/e tho und-eyeto ot Ragnarok.

The End of Asgard

l Hiring the łasi iLiyn of* Asgard just prior to Ragnarok, Loki finally conquered Asgard and remade it in    J

his own image. ButThor suececded in deeapitating Loki. carrying his mystically-preserved head to obscree the finał act of Ragnarok. When Thor severed the tapestry that \vove the reality ot*his dimcnsion. Asgaal and all its inhahitants vanished troin existence. DW


•    Avcn(]ors §1 LoM hatchos h płof to doslmy he brolfter

Thor. ocaarterttaWy rnsprog tho worti s groatest heroos lo form the Avongers

•    Loki 91—4    nos. loki from L • •

vicw. ttie Trictetw God temporarty succeeds o wtnrwig powor cMjr an of Asgard.

•    Tho Mtghty Thor 9582 - 588 As RłKjnarok unfolds around thern. I okl and Thor taco ofl for thor fruil bałtlo, then tour tho end ot the wohd.


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