

Enhanced strength, iron-hard skin, can increase his mass

Uatu the Watcher

Seif-appoinicd ob$ervers of the univcrsc, thc Watc:iii-ks vowed nevcr to imertere in the affairs of others.As the Watcher responsible for Partii and its solar system, Uatu has broketi this nile times sińce eućótmtering the Fantastic Four. His most sigmficant iiuervcntion in human atfaiii came just before Earths first visit from Gala( rus and the Siiw-r SuRFER.when he warned the Fantastic Four of thc impending alicn threat. Cautioncd for his repeated intcrferencc, Uatu was stripped of his role as Watcher but he has sińce been reinstated. AD


1 Ioping to duplicatc the process by which the FantrIŚiu: Four had gained their powers, millionaire Simon Utrecht enlisted mc ket pilot Mikę Steel, engineer Jinnny Danieli, and tcchnical specialist Ann Darnell to accompany him into space.The experimein worked, and thc cosmic radiation they were exposcd to ga\ c each a unujue power: Steel became a metal coatcd heing.Jimmy gained control over radiation, his sister Ann converced into a gaseous stare, and Utrecht himself discovercd that he could repcl objeets.

As Irdnc:lad.Vai'or. X-Ray, and Vector. the four new superhumans formed a group they called the U-Foes.They łirst uuleashed their powers on Bruce Banner, whom they blamcd for grounding their test rtight prcmaturely, but were utiable to control their new powers and lost badly oncc Banner transformed into the Hulk. Ovcr limę, the U-Foes became morę disciplincd and, after honing their powers, found work as professional mcrcenarics.Their employers have included the Leader and the Master of the World. DW

Transforms into various gases VECTOR

Can repel objeets away from him

at great speed


Fbght. can project hard radiation. impervKXjs to physical damage while in energy form BASE

Brooklyn. New York; Stark Tower New York


Incredible Hutk Vol. 2 *254 (December 1930)


«£\ łOuf



lvsect9^ mr?!

Usmg their obillłes to fmd errptoyroont as rnercenarics. the U-Foes have ciashed with SpkJor-Man and othors in ttiefr puest 1c moncy and power.







Mobile; New York State

HEIOHT Vańabte WEIGHT Yariable

EYES No visible irises


Fantastic Four *13 (April 1963)

V>tua»y irtmorial: has suporhurnan inteltigenco. is tołopathic łind eon I eksport from Earth to thc Moon.

Uatu steppod in to prevon Aron. tho Rogue Watctier from rtestroying the Fanta; Four horoes and tur nu rg Ure Mi/ky Waly mto his owr

Uatu the Watcher



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