HAS proven to bc one of the most popular strength bmlding device* cver presented beforc thc strength bmlding public. Its rcmarkable abifity to develop a prodigious grip, and in-crcase the si;e and strength of the wnst, arms. shoulders, bacie and chest ii extraardinary. The Iron Shoe ha* proved to thousands that thc arm muscles being short rangę musclcs are built most succe»*fully in tize and strength by this new. mteresting out' fit and the form of exercise it pro vides. Amaring results arc gotten quickly. Sorae report astoundmg mus-cular measureracnts incrcased. Othcrs becomc ahle to perform wonders in strength. For widening thc shouldcts and deepening the chest it is a knock-out. It is the surest means of giving you a ló^inch hicep and 13-rnch forc arm Just look at thc body the Iron Shoe built for this pupil. You would be proud to havc arm* and a back Itkc his. You can get them casily. The new interesting form of cxcrciscs will fascinatc you. You will be thrillcd thc corc with thc new sensatior 'put mto your muscles.
This wondcrful 60-day picture course is given with each outfit. Tclls you all thc cxercises used by John Mant. The Man with the Iron Arra, and the methods of using the Iron Shoe for strength test*. We have crcatly improved the Iron Shoe sińce bringing it co this country. Recently we added another attractivc feature which you will cnjoy. The pricc is just thc immc. It is the lowest priced outfit for the resulw it gives.
The biggest $5.00 valuc in thc world. If you really want to inerease thc aze and strength of every muscle in your body this will do it. It will shapc cvery muscle beyond a point of comparison. Provc it. Scnd in your order NOW If you want tnorc Information we will, on request. send you our lllustrated circular. Bcttcr still, buy today. Our guarantee protects you.