Enhanced strength GAZELLE
Suporbuman agiiity and reftexes HYDRON
Abla to btast water from left arm REPTILLA
Fanged arm-snakes coukl bite
and constrict
Abikty to fire exptosive spines VAKUME
Coutd dram ar or energy, and assume an mtangibta State VERTIGO
Power to induce dizziness in
New Salem. Colorado
Setem's Sosem tlrst oppoarod
opponenta ter tbo socnco-based team ted by Mr
Salem’s Seven
FantastK Four voi. 1 a 186 (September. 1977)
1 Br uli* w.
2 H, f
tfThorrn 6
Z Gazelio
(Oj SANDMAN see opposite ragę
FIRST APPEARANCE Vanp.ro Tates #2 (Octobor 1973)
REAL NAME Satana Hołtetrom OCCUPATION Horo Boso Mobile HEIGHT 5 ft 7 In WEIGHT '20 Ib*
EYES Black wrth red highhghts HAIR Mml SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES l -rvitatton and limited spollcasting; coukJ feed on human souls and projoct bolts of "soulfire.'
Walter Langkowski OCCUPATION Scientist. adventurer BASE
HEIGHT 10 ft
WEIGHT 2000 Ibs
Uncanny X-Men # 120 (April 1979)
Sasguatch possesses superbuman strength and greatiy enhanced resistance to infcjry. and is abto to teapenormouscGstances. Hecan sh»lt botwoen hts normo! human form and his Sasquatch body al wiH.
In Apha Fsght.
Sasquatcn olten
camo to btows
with members
of thc X-Mcn
luspired by his colleaguc Bruce Banncrs metamorphosis into the Muuc, Dr. Walter Langkowski uscd gamma radiation to rramform himself into a giant.hairy. musclc-bound crcaturc similar to the Bigfoot of Canadian legend.Taking the namc Sasquatch. he became a member of Am ia Flic.i i i .
Dcspitc many trials, induding the discowry chat his monsrrous form was that ofthe Clre.it Beast T.inaraq,
Sasqu.itchs resohe has i leser w.wercd, and he remains a pillar ofthe ('anadian super-group. TB
The half-human daughter of thc demon known as “Satan,” for a time Satana was foreed to live as a succubus, draining thc spirits of humans to survive. Rcbclling at this. Satana became estranged from her father, began establishing real, meaningful friendships with humans. and started to appreciate what human society had to olTer. Learning that l )r. Stephen Strange was trapped in the form of a werewolf and realising this would have untold consequences for humanity. Satana determined to rescue him.
She travclcd to the asrral realm where Strange s soul was held prisoner, and freed him. The price was her own life, but Strange has vowed never to forget her sacrificc. AD