SPECIaL methods

Strain energy methods of stress analysis, by A.J. Sutton Pippard. London, Longmans Green and company, ltti., 1928.    146 p.


Beam deflections by moment-area, by F.P. Witmer. Engineering news-record, New York, May 6, Aug. 12, 26, Sep. 2, 1937,

Apr. 7, 1930, v. 118-19, 120, p. 677; 252-53; 336-37;

276; 493.

The Analysis of elastic structures, by Edward H. Bateman. Engineering, London, Dec. 10, 1937, v. 144, no. 3752, p. 699-71. diagrs., illus., tables. (Deformation energy)

Analysis of elastic strućturę by the methods of deformation energy and remainder distribution, by Edward H. Bateman. Engineer, London, Sep. 10, 1937, v. 164, p. 236-87, 289-90.

II Metodo del lavoro interno per il calcolo approssimato dei

carichi critici, di 0. Zanaboni. Ricerche di ingegneria,

Roma, Mar.-Apr. 1936, no. 2, p. 41-47. diagrs., illus.

Potential function method for solution of two-dimensional stress problems, by C.W. MacGregor. Transactions of the American mathematical society, New York, July 1935, v. 38, no. 1, p. 177-86.

Mechanical solution of aircraft structures, by A.F. Haiduck.

Aero digest, New York, Nov. 1934, v. 25, no. 5, p. 26, 28. diagrs., illus.

Improved method of finuing beam deflections, by Ralph W. Stewart. Civil engineering, New York, Feb. 1934, v. 4, no. 2, p. 88-89. diagrs.

Lato dcvelopments in airplane stress-analysis methods and their effect on airplane structures, by Richard C. Gazley.

S.A.E. journal, New York, Sep. 1932, v. 31, no. 3, p. 345-55. illus .■

Arbeitsgesetze bel elastischplastischer balkenbiegung, von S.A.J. Fritsche. Z.A.M.M., Berlin, June 1931, v. 11, no. 3, p. 176-91. illus.

Derivation of theories underlying mechanical methods of stress analysis, by C.B. McCullough. Engineering news-record,

New York, Sep. 25, Nov. 13, 1930, Jan. 22, 1931, v. 105-106, p. 489-90; 781; 162. illus.

Le Calcul des constructions continues par la methode des deforraa-tions, par P. Thomas. Le Genie civil, paris, July 27, 1929, v. 95, p. 88-89.


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