Photo by Larkin Bros., London, II'.(M.
SIT on a chair or bcd, or i£ prcfcrrcd, stand for thc cxcrcisc. Strctch out thc left arm in front at shouldcr hcight, and place thc palm of thc right hand on thc left shouldcr. Quickly strokc thc right hand along thc top of thc left arm to thc wrist, then hack again to thc shouldcr, then back again to the wrist whcrc thc stroking hand is turned to como under thc arm, stroking hack to the armpit. Continuc thc movement under thc armpit right down thc left side of the body (as far round to thc hack as can Iłe comfortably rcachcd. and allowing thc inside of thc right forearin to touch tltc body as shown in photo) then to thc right across thc abdomen. up thc right side of thc trunk. lifting thc chcst as you strokc upwards, and come across thc top of the chcst on to thc left shouldcr into thc starting position. Do 10 repetitions without stoppiug, then changc to rubbing thc right arm with thc left hand. It will be found when changing hands that thc circular stroking on thc torso will changc froni eloekwise to anticiockwise and vicc versa. Brcathc stcadily throughout.