Photo by latkin Uros., Lnntion, Ii'.C I
GRASP tłic neck of a sandhag or a piece of ropę thrcadcd ihrough a harhcll disc, as shown abovc. Lowcr bag so thnt arm is hanging straight down by side. KEEPING ELBO W CLOSE TO SIDE AND WITH-OUT LETTING IT MOVE BACKWARDS, bring forcarm upwards and forwards in front of chcst (as shown) umil list reaches shoukler when clbow can now be carried a little forward. Lower slowly to starting position and repeat forlO repetitions. Breathe steadily throughour.
ADVANCED DEGREE: The iniiial weight chosen should be such as to
permit comfortably performing the cxcrcisc 10 times. As soon as this Iłccomes casy the weight tnust bc incrcascd by two or tlirec pounds and used until that in tum heco mes casy. The weight shauld he constantly incrcascd itt this fashion. As much as forty to lifty pounds can bc used on this excrdsc by an cxceptionally strong athlctc.
MUSCLES USED: Brachialis. brachioradialis. biceps, most other upper
and forcarm musclcs.