Photo by Lor kin Bros.. London, IF.C.I.
STAND with hands on hips, fccc abouc 24" apart and turncd slightly outwards. Raisc up on 10 tocs, thcn hy bcnding at ihe knees, go down inco a fuli squat. Recover to thc upright position, thcn lowcr the hecls. Rcpcat quickly 20 timcs. Aftcr thc lirst month takc thc wcight nf thc body far ovcr to ihc right foot on going down. thcn rccovcr as bcforc. still kccping rhc wcight of ihc body cent rai ised ovcr the right foot. Rcpeat for 10 repc-ticions. thcn changc to thc Icft $idc, 10 rcpetttions.
ADVANCED DKOREE: Stand on one foot. raisc the other forward.
Bend thc knee of supporting leg, going right down until thc buttock mccts thc hecl. Return to rhc uprighc position, by straightening rhc leg. As many repetitions, up to 15. as possiblc. on each leg. At hrst, balancc should be aided by steadying against thc wali with thc band. Brcathc out going down and in coming up.
MUSCLES USEI): Quadriceps femoris. hamstrings. tibialis anterior, tensor fascia lata, glutcus maximus. mediuj and minimus. thigh adductors, iliopsons.