Photo by Larkin Bros., London, W.CA.
STAND with feet apart and body bent slightly forward at thc waist. With both arms hanging down in from bctween the Icgs grasp thc ncck of a sandbag with both hands and cuii it upwards umil the knuckles touch thc chcst. making surę that thc clbows point outwards (as shown in photo) during thc movcmcnt. At thc start of this movcment thc palms should bc wrapped round thc ncck of the bag. one immediately above thc othcr and facing forward. but as thc bag is lifted upwards thc palms should comc to face first upwards and iinally baekwards against thc chcst. Lowcr to startmg position and rcpcat for 10 repetitions. Breathc steadily throughout.
ADVANCED DEGREE: The initial wcight chosen should hc such as to
permit thc comfortablc performance of 10 repetitions, but as soon as this becomcs casy should bc incrcascd so that only 8 repetitions can bc donc with the new wcight. Pcrsist with thc inereased wcight umil tliis in tum can bc uscd for 10 repetitions. The wcight should bc constantly inereased in this fashion over a period of six montlis.
MUSCLES USED: Biceps, brachialis, deltoids. most forearm muscles,
pcctorals slightly.