


Photo by luirkin Itros., London, W.CA.

STAND in a comfortahlc position. Place one hand on top of thc other at thc back of the neck as shown in photo. Stroke cach band firinly down its corrcsponding side of the neck umil thc hands meet again in the front o£ the neck over the throat. As the hands are brought into this front position you will find it nccessary to lift thc chin up and the head back. Having brought the hands into this position, just below the upliftcd chin, with one on top oj the other, draw thetn downwards to the brcast-bonc whcrc you should part the hands, bringing thcm sidcways until just the tips of the fingers are resting on thc sides just below the rib-box. Without pausing in the moecment, bring thc hands towards each other again across the abdomen, one hand just above the other, draw the hands apart again, thcn togcther again only with the altcrnate hand above the other. Repeat thc moeement four titne across the abdomen. Repeat the exercise 10 times. The stroking movcment right from thc back of thc neck to thc finish of the criss-crossing over the stornach should be continuous, with no pause and done with palms of the hands next to the skin. Press firmly and breathc steadily throughout the cxercise.


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