E.YERCISE 82 (abovo)—Lic fiat on atom* ach, on thc seat of a chair. or somc other support. Yoor shoulders and hina ahould be woli ovor thr sides. W hi Ir in that position, practice thr regular “crawl” swimming atrokc. To master this, you must arch thr smali of your back. Apply interna! realat-aner to each strokc. Do 100 times, 50 with cach arm or until you are pleatantly tired.
REPEAT thia cxrrci*r today for an additional 20 enuntH. Thia i* Ex* crciar No, 62 that ia deacribed on your scc-ond werk, sixth day.
REPEAT this exercisr today for an additional 20 counts. This is Ex-ercise No. 2 whkh is deser ibed on your first weck. first day.
REPEAT this rxercise for an additional 10 counta today. Thia is Exercise No. 75 that is deacribed on your third weck. fourth day.
Start off today with this exerciac. Take in large g u 1 ps of air slowly and e x h a 1 c idowiy through the inouth . . . .iayinsr uloud. "l'm winning. Do 20 limes.
REPEAT this exerciae for an additionat 10 counts today. This is Exercise No. 66 that is deacribed on your third werk. first day.
REPEAT this exercise today and see if you can do it for a fcw additional counts. This is Exercise No. 74 whłeb is deacribed on your third week, fourth day.