EXERCISE 76 (abovc) Do this ono cautiously for it is harder Chan it looks. Lic fiat on your atomach, arms and lega ouUtretched, with arm* stilTened and lega stifTcncd. ranie both Che arm* and the legs off the floor untit you arc rest-mg only on your abdomen. Now. try to rock bach and forth on your atomach. As soon as you try this yuu'11 understand why it is callcd "a hard one." Con-tinuc until you arc jilcaaantly tired.
REPEAT this exercise to-day for an additional 10 counts. This in Excrcłsc No. 67 Chat is dcscribcd on your third wcek. first day.
REPEAT this excrcise to-day and sec if you can do it a few mora limo# ovcr ycn-terday'a routinc. This is Ex-ercise No. 73 that is de-scribed on your third weck, third day.
REPEAT this <.xairi« today for an additional 10 counts. This is Ex-crcisc No. 36 which is dcscribcd on your scc-ond week. first day.
REPEAT this exercisc today and see if you can do it for an addi-tional 10 counts. This is Exercise No. U that was dcscribcd on your first weck. third day
Start off today, and cvcry day hcrcaftcr. with this «XercłM in hale slowly through the mouth . . saying
aloud, ‘Tm winning!" Do 20 times.