vibro 55

vibro 55

REPEAT this Otfrcin- an additinnal 10 counts today. This is ExorciRc No. 45 thal ia dcscrihed on your second week, third day

EXERCISE 73 (below) Lie fiat with your chiri and backs of hands on (ho (łoor. Press your toei uk far baek ;ik they will go. Now raisc one leg, pointing to<? hord upwards, puli head bark. Internally resist upward move-ment. Ix»\ver head and fool bark to nturting pOMtion, apply interna! pres-surę ngalnst downward movcment. K«-|"'at with other leg. Do 15 times with each leg.

REPEAT this oxcrriite today and try (o do it a fpw additional limes, This is E.xcrcise No. 59 that is described on your second weck. sixth day.



Man on tooay with (his exer-cise: Tako in largo gulps of air slowly and cxhalo through (ho mouth . . . aaying atoud, "Pm winning!" Do 20 timea.

REPEAT this exercise today and see if you can do it a few morr times. This is Exrrcise No. 56 that is described on your second w cek. flfth day.

REPEAT this exercise today for an additional 10 counts. This is Exereise No. 52 that is described on your second week. fourth day.


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