22269 vibro 45

22269 vibro 45


REPEAT this exercis* today for an additional 10 counts. This i* Excrcise No. 27 that is described on your firat weck, fifth day.

REPEAT this cxcrci»e today and see lf you can do it a few mor* times. This is Excrcise No, 53 that is in your sccond week, ftfth day.

EXERCISE 61 (abovel—Lir fiat on your stornach and then raise yourself until you aro resting on your palms and toes. Lift one foot elear ofr the floor. Now rais* and lower without sagging. In this cxercise the body is suspended on thre* i*oints. th* palms and one foot. It orings extra weight to the floor dip. Kepeat and alternate this exercise, raising the other foot ofT the floor. Do 'till slightly tired.

EXERCISE 62 (above) —This will givc you excr-cise cquivalcnt to that ob-tained from bicycle rid-ing. Lie on your bnck. Keep your handa stretched out naturally at your s i d e s. Assist wlth hnnds on hips until de* sired position is attained. Raise both legs straight up from body, and rotate, just as if you werc oper-ating the pedała of a bicycle. Rcsist the move* ment intcrnally and stop when tired.

EXERCISE 63 (left) — Lie flat on your back un-der a labie. Rcach up and grasp the edge of the table with your hands and then draw yourself up as far as possible, kceping your bo«dy and legB stiff. Lower yourself słowly and repcat until you are tired. Be 3ure to test the table flrst to make surę that it won't tip. Do as many times as you can.



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