RE PR AT thia exercia* today for nn udditional lii counts. This i* Exer-ci*c No, fltl that is de-scribed on your firtt wcfk, *ixth day.
EXERC18E .56 (aabov«) (b-right)—Start in posi-tion as illustratcd abovc; chcst out, head back, arms straight and levol with shouiders. It may be difll-cult to obtain balanco in this position, but aflcr a fcw counts, it will bccome naturnl and you will find it very easy As shown at right, cxtend right leję straight out wdeways. Return to former position und repeat with left leję. Do at least ten fuli exercise counts.
RKPKAT this cxercisc un additional 10 counts today. This ia Escrciw? No. 4;*» that is describcd on your sccond wNk. third day.
RXERCISE 57 (abovc)—Lit on back with handt clasped behind neck. Slowly raise head and shoul-dcrs ulT thc fluor about HI inches, as illustrated Return to original poaition. Inhale as you k<» back; cxhalc aa you comc forward. This is one of thr best exercises for thc interna! organs and mid-section.
E X E R C I S E 58 (left) — Lic flat on your back, with arms outstretched overhcad and feet placed on chair. Raise body from shouiders down as illustrated and then return, stretch the body as much as possible without rc-moving your feet from the chair. In-hale as you raise your body; cxhale as you lower it. Do as many times as you can.