REPEAT this cxercise today for nn additional 5 counts over yester-day'a routioc. Thi* is Excrcisc No. 38 that is described on your second w cek. fi rat day.
REPEAT this excrciso today for an nddi-tional 5 counts. This is Exercise No. 6 that is described on your fi rat week, fi rat day.
REPEAT this excrcise an additional 5 times today. This is Exercisc No. 11 that is described on your first week, third day.
EXERCISE 41 (left) —Lie fiat on your stornach wjth your lega straight out be-hind you. Place the palma of your handB fiat on the floor and push yoursclf up with your arms. On the down-ward movement, fiex at the elbows. Return slowly to the floor and repent until you are slightly tired.
KXERCISK 42 (right) — Lie face downwurd on the floor. Bring your left arm behind you and place the left hand at the smali of vour back. Plant the palm or the right hand JHiuarely on the floor underneath your chest. Now, push upward, kceping your body and legs straight. Push yourself up aa many times with your left arm as with your right.
EXKRCISE 43 (left)— Stand erect. One hand on hip. Place other hand ngainst ear and push over as hard as you cun, rcaisting all the way. Both the neck muscles nnd aide muscles should comc into play horo. Return to starting position, re-sisting the return movement. Rcpcat eaeh sidc nbout 10 times.