85259 vibro 23

85259 vibro 23

REPEAT this oxorcisc todny for nn additional 5 counts ovor yestcrday'* ro«tinc. This la Ex-ercisc No. 19 that is doscribcd on your flrst woek. fourth day.

REPEAT this excreiae todmy for an additional .r» count* ov«r yesterday’a routine. This is Ex-erciso No, 20 thnt is doscribed on your fir*t werk. fourth day.

KXERCISE 25 (bo Iow) Horo i« an oxercise to com* bino tho iaolation of your abdominat muscłea with deep breuthing contro). First, breatho In dreply, then ex-halo a 1 o w 1 y. When your lunjfs are a little moro than hnlf-ompty, contract your ubdominul rnusclrs and hołd this for a moment, then re-lux and ropont tho complotr-exerciBe Roveral limes.

EXERCISE 2fi (abnve)— l.le fiat on your Ktomach and thcn raiso youraolf until you aro resting on your palma and tors. Lift ono foot cloar o(T tho floor, rcsistinit the upward movemcnt all tho way. Now miso and lowcr tho ontiro body with your arms, without aaRKinR. In this oxereiRc tho body is suk-

Cended on three pointa, the palm* and ono foot. It rinsrs extra weight to tho floor dip. Ropoat and altornato this cx«rciso, raising tho other foot ofT tho

REPEAT this ex-orcise today and soo if you cnn do it a few morę times. This is Exeroi8e No. 14 that is de-scribed on your firnt week, third day.

EXEROISK 27 (bolow) Lic flot on your back, hunds bonoath your hips. Prosa toes away from you. Cradually raiso lega, and nproad thom at tho samo limo. When lec* aro raiscd as far as they can go, thcy should also be as wido aport os imsrtiblo. Now, lowcr logs, bringing thom slow-ly loptothor until you'ro back in atartmg position. Apply intornal resistanco to both tho upward movemont and the downward moecment . . . thus devcIopiiiK antagonistic rnusclo groups at tho samo timo.



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