REPEAT this exer-ciae an additional 6 counts todoy. Thłs is Excrcisc No. 37 that is dcacribcd on your second week, firat day.
REFEAT this ex-erciao an additional 3 counts today. Thia is Exercise No. 7 that is do-scribed on your first week, second day.
EXERCISE 46 (abovc) - Clench fists and erosa arms at clbows. Exhalc air through mouth as you fling arma back-ward with fists atill clonched, as shown in picture. taking in fuli brcath and forcing oxygen down Into lower lung box.
REPEAT this exercisc an additional 5 counts to-dny. This ia Excrcise No. 33 that is deser i bod on your firMt week, aixth day.
REPEAT thia exerciac an additional 5 counts today. This ia Excrcise No. 26 that is described on your first week. fifth dav.
EXERCISE 47 (right)—This is a sim-plo rxorcise for the toca, arches and fo«t. Sit on a chair and put somc mar-Ww łn front of you. Try to pick them up w>ih toos of each foot.