REPKAT thia «x«rel«e today for an 6 counts ovcr ye8terday'a rou-tinc. This is Excrcisc No. 27 that i* deser ibed on your first wcek, fifth day,
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RF.PKAT thia excrcisc todny for an additional f» countB over yester-day’8 rnutinc. This is Exerci*e No. 2fi that is describcd on your first weck, fifth day.
REPEAT this exerciwr today and sec łf you can do it a few morę timca. Thia m Exerci»e No. 11 that ia dcscribcd on your first wcek, third day.
EXERCISE 31 (ubove)— Stand crect with fect f» inches a part. Grasp the ends of a towel with the hands as * shown in thc illustration abovc. Now, puli outward with both hands and eaert as much strength as you can. Actually try to puli thc towel apart. Hołd for a count of ten. then relax. Ik> i thia ten timca.
EXERCISE 32 <above) s—Herc'* another varia-tion of the cxcrcisc you havc just completcd. Hołd towel in bnck of you as shown in photo. Exert strength as you werc in-structed in Exercis« 31. holding for 10 counts, then rclax. Do this 10 timca.
REPKAT thia excrci»e today and see if you can do it a fcw morc timca Thia ia Excrciae No. 6 that is dcscribcd on your first wcek, first day.
EXERCISE 33 (nght) Takc position as illustratcd. Suck in the mld-section and tenso cvcry musclc in thc body for a count of 10. This cxcrcisc ia cscellent to strengthen thc apinc and thc ncck. It should bc repeated sev-eral times wcckly hcrcaftcr.