RKPEAT this cxercfse today for an additional fivp counts. This is Ex-ercisc 33 that is dc-scribed on your flmt week, sixth aay.
EXERCISE 3ft (above)—Start with arms out at aide*, at shouldcr lev«|. Kłbowa bent with nands at ahouldera. body ercct, feet together, head up and chcst out. Twist the body from the waist and hipa. First to Ute right side, then to the left. Do at least 20 timca ... no morę than 40 timca.
EXERCISE 38 (helów) - Stand erect, with your feet spread slightly apart. Extend your arms straight. out in front of you. Bend down unlil the fingers touch the floor betpeen your feet, then rise, swinging the arms up* ward and backward overhcad as far as they will go. Stop whcn tired.
REPEAT this cxcr-cise today for an additional five counts. This is K.v ercise 23 that is de-scribcd on your ftrst wcek, fifth day.
RKPEAT this exer* ci«e today and sec if you can do it a few morę time*. This is Excrcise 31 that i* in your first wcek, aixth day.
EXERC1SE 37 (above)—To dcvelop fingcr-tip grip! Tie u cord around a thick book. fasten cord to a wali so that the book will hang nearly to floor. Grasp edge of book with fingers and thumb of each hand. Bracc feet ugainst wali. Lenn buck; then raise and lower your body with strength of your hands . . . only bend and stinen knocą. Do 'till tirea.