(continua/ front page 28)
Weavc in cnds at lowcr cdgc of skin and tips of wings before stiffening. Usc other cnds for joining picces and to hołd accessories. Scc How to Assembie an Angel page 46. l^sing photo as guide, usc ram at end of hands to hołd accessories.
Embroidering Angel Bodice

Embroidering Angel Skirt
6-*4 -*2i!rrp
in other words...
Row 1 andall WS rows KI, p to last st, k1. 2,4, and 6 K into front and back of st, k to last 2 sts, k into front and back of st, k1.8 Knit—13 sts. 10 K4, k2tog, ki, ssk, k4.12K3, k2tog, ki. ssk. k3.14 K2, k2tog, kl, ssk, k2. 16 K1, k2tog, ki, ssk, ki. 78K2tog,k1,ssk—3 sts.20SK2P.
Row 1 and all WS rows K1, p to last st, k 1.2 K1,
M1,k2.yo,k1 tbl,yo,k2.M1,k1—11 sts. 4 K1, M1, SK2P, [yo, SK2P] twice, Ml. kl—9 sts. 6 [K3, yo] twice, k3—11 sts. 8 K1, SK2P, [yo, SK2P] twice, k1 —7 sts. 10 K1, sskyo, kl tbl, yo, k2tog, k1.72 K1, ssk, kl, k2tog, k 1 — 5 sts. 14 KI. S2KP2, kl —3 sts. 16 S2KP2.
Row 1 and all WS rows K2, p to last 2 sts, k2. 2 K2, Ml, k2, yo, kl tbl. yo. k2. Ml. k2—13 sts. 4 K2, SK2P, [yo, SK2P] twice, k2—9 sts. 6 [K3, yo] twice, k3—11 sts. 8 K4, yo, SK2P, yo, k4.10 K5, yo, kl tbl, yo, k5—13 sts. 12,14, and 16 Knit. 7$K2,ssk, k5, k2tog, k2—11 sts. 20 K2, ssk, k3, k2tog, k2—9 sts. 22 K2, ssk, kl, k2tog, k2—7 sts. 23 Rep row 1.
Rnd 1 and all odd numbered rnds Knit. 2 *Yo, kl tbl,yo, ssk, kl, k2tog; rep from*. 4 * Yo, SK2P; rep from*—36 sts. 6 *K3, yo, kl tbl, yo; rep from*—54 sts. 8 *SK2P, yo; rep from*—36 sts. 10 "Yo, k1 tbl, yo, k3; rep from*—54 sts. 12-18 Rep rows 4-10. 20 Rep rnd 4—36 sts. 22*SK2P,yo,k1 tbl, yo; rep from* 24 *K1, SK2P; rep from*—18 sts.
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