s'il v o u s plait kimono continund
Level Experierced
Measurements o *e givei for 5 (M,_) in ihat ordę*
Cłiesf: 36 (41, 46)" (91 '104,117|cm)
Lenęth: 30 (31,32)" (75 |79.. 81]un)
Sieeve eigth: 1 Vh (15, 15ftr (37 IBS. 39.5]:n) "rem che armhole Obi Beforefdting
7fc" x74(28. 32)1 (19crr x 61 |71,81)cm)
Obi Afterfclting
3[h" x 28 (32 36)- (71cm x 71 LS1,91|cm)
5 (6, /) skeins of Alchemy Yarn.s Sik Pjrse, 100% si!k, 1# oz (5Ccj), 138 ycs (176m). lOOc Azales ~ra.l (colorA), light
2 (3, 3) skeins of Alcneny Yams Haiku, 60% mohair, 40% siik. 'h oz (259), 325 yds (297m), 51 c A Bucach o' -ire (color B), jEf) 'Ine
1 skeii each of Alchemy Yarns Sanrt.iary, 70% rrerino, 30% s Ik. 1# oz (50o),
■ 23 yds (' 14m), 25a Cebhhujm frolor C). 88? Hush (color D), 28vv Tcal ”ide (color E), 76o Cicrine (color F) and 38a Foxghnvp (color G). cjf) Pcht
16’ (40cm) and 24" (60cm) circular ncodlo in $ ze LS 10 (6mrr) or size needen to ohta r gai.ge
161 (40cir) a id 32" (80un) c ra.lar r.eedle n size U5 6 (4nm) cr sizo reeded tc obtaii oa jge
Approxima:elv 20 sra I ma^blcs (approxiinotaly V," (1c.ni) n diarnefer) Approximately 20 smali rubber bands Waste yarr imust not be a feltirę fibe)
6 standaid hook-and-eyp rlosares
Sewing needle 3id drcod to motel- colci C (or dom.narr color ii obi)
Tapeslry needle
16 stitches and 20 rows - 4“ (10cn) in s:ockinette stitch using cne strond of coloi A arie colo' B held together, with the larger need os
22 s.iccfws and 7H rows = 4“ (10cm) ii wover $ ip stitch pottern (page *107) using Ibe smal er neecle before felring
Do rot fcl: the kimo io. heli only tl e obi.
Ihe kimono is knii fron tie top down, elirn nating the need for seiting ii and sewinc ibe slwes.
Use waste yarn n place or st Ich liolders for this garmeit to allow the work in progress to .ay fiat.
Using oie $t*ard of colo'A and ono strond of color 6 he c togelhec and jie largo' 24" (60cm) circular nccdb, cost on 44 (43,. 50) stitcłies.
Set-up row (Wrong Side) R. pm, p ? (9, 9), pmr o 22 (24,26), pn, p 8 (9. 9), pn, p3.
Row 1 *Krit to :hc las: st tch before the marker, n1, <1, sl marker, k 1, r1; repeat trom * 3 morc t mes, sni: to t ie end.
Raw 2 Purl
Repeat these 2 rows twice norę.
Next 8 rows
Row 1 (Right Side) KC, m', * kr il lo .he las* stitch before the markę*, mi ki, sl rra ker. k 1, ni, repeat fiom ‘ 3 morę limes, <ni: to tie ast stitch, ml, ki.
Row 2 and all WS raws Purl.
Rows 3, 5, and 7 *Kiit to the last stitch before Ihe marker, m\ ki, sl marker, ki, ml; 'cpcatfrom * 3 morę times, kr il lo tlie end.
Repeat -he^e 8 rows i.ntil ycu have 64 (68, 72) stitchcs for the back cenlei sec-lior, hi) (h 1, 35) "'or each s eeve section, and 30 (31,32) for each front sec ion.
I 5V? (fi. 6V>)'|
■feCHC) OC
104 slii bor i knits