scarf de triumphe continued
Level Internećiete
Knitted Measurements
Itejare fcUing
1" x 67' (18rn x 170cm) irduding the frinue After felling
5" x 79" (17.5cm x 200cm) incUdi ig the frinye
Fetting fiber
2 skeins each of Alchemy Yams Sanctuary, 70% merino, 80% si k. oz (50y), 1 Ayds (1 Un). B5e Fauna (co or A) ar»c 96e Two Bock (color B), Ć0? light
Notifclłing fiber
' bkein pacn of Ale nemy Yams Pogoda, 100% silk boncie. 17a oz (35.8g), 183 yds (i67m), 96c Two Rock (color C) and B4m :ields:onc (color I)), mecitm
16" teOcm) circuldr neerile ir s ze US 6 (4mm) or sizs reeded lc- obta n ęajge
A set of double-pointod neediss in ińe saTp size
Stitch markers Tapeslry nepdle
20 stitches and 34 iows - 4" (10m) n garter s:i:ch berore fekiny Notes
$i>: oloeks ar? mace, three in each oasc color. .Ali blocks an? worked together.
The scarf is worked tsinę ioiarsia, with five strares o* yarn ir play each time the ovals ore nade. No strands are carriec behinc the work.
I; is helpfi.T to work with manageoo e lergths of fiber in each rtarsia sedior. lo ensure n*axinum lsc of youi fiber s ysrriage, I recoTimer.d strands of the i bers far tnose seU ons as follows: for colors A and [}, cut strands approxinotefy 100" (254em) long; for colors C and Dr n.t strands 9pproxirratcly 110“ (279.5<m) long.
Alwcys keep the fuli ha I of color A or B r plov ct the r yhl-harr. ećge of the scaif. Thiis yarn is us?d to work the gortei rows in between tne irrtarsie mo.ifs. I his wII leave fewer eros co weave r larer.
The ovals arc alwcys worked .n sockinette stitch.. whilc the background is worked in gorter stiten.
Using color A arc a double-ported neeole, tasl on 3 srirches. Work 3n l-corc (see glossary, page 121)6" (15cn) long and place this o ece on a soare necdle. Make i mor? l-cords that mcasure epo;ox malehy/ 1 (lOcrr), 5W (Hem), and 6!/;" (16.3cm) Place the ccrds or the dnu ar npecle in tne ordę' in w,nich they arp listed above and as shown in phctoyraph.
Next row Jsiny color A. k3 stitches of the first I cord. Aidsl cn 8 stitches. k3 stitches of .be next l-cord; repeat from * twice morę—36 stitches.
Krit 2 rows.
A Cha ige '.o color H, and knit 2 rows. Charge to color A, ar.ri knit 2 rows; repeat from * orice morę
Change to co cr B, and <ni. 2 rows.
Chdriue te color A. and knit 4 rows.
Us ng color A. <nit 6 rows. Tnen work irarsia cnart usiny colors A ar d (.
'Using color A. knit 12 rows, then work chart; repea: from x once moce.
•Jsing color A. knit 6 rows
(hang? to color B. and knit 6 rows.Ther work inta's.a chart ising colors B 6lid D.
*U$ ng color B. krit 12 rows, thpn wor< char:; rcpca: from * once morę.
Using color 3. knit 6 'ows.
Work the same as Scarf Bloc< 1.
Work rhe same as Scar Błock 2.
Jsing color B, knit 4 'ows.
łC hangę to coicr A, and knit 2 rows. ( hangę :o color B, and knit 2 rows; repeat from * one? morc.
Chonce to color A, and <ni: 2 rows
C harge to color 3, ord knit 3 rows.
Next row Work an -cord 6“ (15cm) lorę using the nrst 3 stitches ot :hc rew. Birc off I tesp stitches and reattach yorn to the remahing 33 stitches on the isft-hdiid need e.
62 shihori*