double dog dare you capelet eon tinued
Level Internećicte
Knitted Measurements
('/easurements 3re givcn lor XS (S, M, L, XL) sizes in that crder
Nec< drcumterencc: 11 (14, 17,21, 24)" (28 [35.5, 43. 53.5,61 jem)
After fdling
To dc dog's nede chcurr.ference: 6-9 (10-12,
13-15/6-'8, 19 21)“ (15-23 [25.5-30.5,33-38, 40.5-45.5,48.5 53.5]cm)
1 skein of Alchemy Yarns Sanctuary, 70% neriro, 30% silk, 1# oz (50g), 125 vds (I14m), 36f Lantern (en nr A), ® ight
Nonfelting fiber
1 (1,1, 2, 2} ske lis of Alchemy Yarns Silken Straw, 100°/c s Ik. 1ol (35.5g), 236 ycs (716n). 11m -uli Metal Alcheirisl (color B), 'ine
<n tting needles in size US 4 (3.5mm) or si/e neeried :o obtoin gouge
1 smali buton, (lOmn) in diameter- shown ii a ft/ov'ing Mud design in hand-blown cless
Topesty needle
1 shoelace {to hołd the buttonholc oper durina feltirę) Gauge
24 stitnes and 32 rows - 4" (10cm) in stockinette stitch using color A befure feliiruj
Using rnlor A, cast on 12 stitches and werk even in stockinette stitch for 10 (13, 1/, 21. 24)“ {25.5 [33.43. 53.5. 31 Jer).
C '.ren te but ton hol es
Next row (Right Slde) K2, bind uff 2 stitches, k4, bind ofr 2 stitches, k2.
Next row P2, cast on 2 stitches, p4, cast on 2 stitches, p2.
Work 6 rows even in stock rie.le slitdi, then n nd nff al! stitches.
rold the coliar in nal* engthwise, oJtting the wreng sides toqetner anc I nirg up the buttonholes.
Jse a tapesl y needle lo sew the łono s n? of the coliar bard dosed. Sew tne two aye.s togelher around thp buttonholes with a whip stitch.
Using cclor B and with the richt side ~cdnq, pick up and kniL 38 (112/ 4-1, 1 /6, 200) stitches along cne edge of the coliar.
Row 1 (Wrong Side) Knit.
Row 2 Knit to the last 2 stitches, <fb, ki.
Repeat Ihese 7 rows 11 (14,17. 20,23) norę tines, then bind off oll stitches. RUrn.E U
Using color 3 ard with the right s ce fac ng, pick uo and knit 88 {112,144,176. 200) $ttches jus: j.ndcrneoth the picked up row fo* Rufie .
Row 1 (Wrong Side) Kn t.
Row 2 Knit to tne last 2 stitches, kfb, ki.
Repeat these 7 rows 14 (17, 20, 22, 26) rrere timos, then b nd off all stitches. FTNTSHTKG
Use e fcpestry neecle to wee^e in dl tne loose ends, be ng surę to weave at least 3 1 (7.5cm) of each end .o ensure c right hołd during the ;eltirg pretess. Thrcad the shoelace tluouyh Ihe butronhnle, to prev?nt t from dosirg durirg tne feltina process. Seture ll e shoe'are tightly.
Wher selecting a size, please jse the pos: felting reck measurements.
Both ruffles aie madę u:i tne same side of the col ar.
When ruffles are knit, incrcascs are modę or only one end of the rectanclc Please seelhe Polrait Scar (page '' 0} tor an explanoticn for this s laping.
86 shibori knits
P ease 'efer to the guidclincs for wushing machinę felting on page 118.
Wher the capelel is dry, try it or The doc. You may fold back the end of the feltsd edge, if desired, for a mor? custon fit and sew it n place. P n the buttor in place and thec< again for a proper fit. Sew on the button.