In the summer of2006f 1 spent sonie time in Barcelona and foutid a konie aivay from korne in tkał. vibmnt city.
I nnted a fiat by the beuch, andjust around the cornei, there was a coo! cofkę house. Every moming,
I sut ał an outdoor takie, wilk a double espresso and knit this capclct for my tiny dog al Home w California, w kom 11 wssed terribly.
I hadjust madę the Port raił Scarftyage 110) before we left on aur trip tu Spain and was very excited
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a bont the. s kibori rujfle in that piece.
So I tuok Ihc same conorpt—simple ree ta figle in afclting fiber—and madę U long enough tofit my pups neck. Afterward, wilh a nonfeUing siik. 1 picked up and knil a rujfle slighily moręflared than the one in the Portrait Scarf. W hen Ifinished thefirst rujfle, i didn'1 want to break my rilual ofkmtting at the coffee house in the monungs—so 1 added another rufflcl After all, Barcelona is one ofihosu cities tfuzt abides hy the saying:
"lfit's worth doing, it's zoorth iwerdoingA
This piece is rdso great as a knit bracelet. Simply make the smallcst sizefor u dazzling ruffled cujftet!
suhthi shsbcri U5