Rer.rnih/, J resumed loeituing—nfłer many years of not Juiring access tu u loorn— and disaroered the. ctmcept ofwouen shibori.
This reentry w to 7veavivg prezent r.d the opportimii y to thnrk about the princ.iplez of traditionai shibori that wight successfullu ircmslate bito knitting.
Myfirhtfew attcmpls a i a ruffled scarf a ] most iuurkcd.
On the cast-on cml ofikt scarf the ntffle lookłul gmit; howeocr. the oppositc cna of the piece comistenth cumę out rather limp iti contr ust. i took n gambie and thmo in an e.xtra stitch at the cud ofevery right-side roni This built the previou$!y nof-so-dramatic end of the scarf to a point refiecting the grandów of Ihcjirsl halfof the scarf.
An uncxpcctcd surprisc cumę the locight of thuac estru stitches causcd the scarf to spiral1. In the trua spirit of shibori, a happy accideni kd to a truły fabulous scarf.
subtle fhibori 111