Lcvel Easy
Knitted Measurements
Bejóre fil ting
80" x 7" (203cm x 18crr)
After fil lin°
48" x 7“ (':22tm x 18cm)
Fel t ino flbcr
2 skeirs A diemy Y<rns Haiku, 50% mohair, 40% sik,
% oz (25g), 325 yds (297m), 58m Josh.ja ?ee, $0$ f r:e ncodles ir sizc US 3 (5.5mr0 or size needec to c-btain gaugc
Waste cottnn, s Ik. or nyim threari (tie wastp rłiread musi not be madę of a fp t rg filier)
Taocstry occdlc Gauge
15 slitdies and 20 rows = 4 (10rm) in stock nerte stitrh -v h yarn be n double, bpfor? felting
Tb? pleats a'e sewn after :he scarf is knit and befo'e it is fel:ed
Yarn is hsld doub e throtąhout. Please refer to tie side-bai on page 27 for detailed irstructicns on easy windiny of a double-stianded skein.
i recomnerd dry deaning for che finished piece to keeo tbe resist shape intact.
Usinc 2 strands o' yarn • leld togelhei, cas; on 30 siicches. Work in (jarier slilcli (knil eveiy row) ror 10 rows.
Next 2 rows
Raw 1 (Right Side) Knil.
Row 2 K3, p24, k3.
Reneat łhese Iwo rows until trie scarf meas.jres 78'
(198f m).
Work h ca ter stitch *or 10 rows, tben birc off a!l stitefes.
Use a tapestry needle to weave in all :he loose ends. oeing surę to v;eave at least 2“ (7.5cm) of each end tc ensure a tight hołd during tne felting process.
Wood gmin pleni
Jsing a tapestry ieed e threaced with wasle yarn, arb beainriing at one enu of tbe scarf, jus. ir side Ihe yarler stitdi border, weave Ihe needle n and oul clonej Iłie lenglh of Il e s<arf every '/;" (1.25cm) or so, ęałhcrhg he 'ebrie as you go. becure tbe th'ead tightly with several knots at ead' er.u of tbe scaif. Make a second gatheiing pleal parallel tu the firsl pleal on Il e ohei s ue of llie scal". “Iie neyu adty of sewing ny liard will yive a great dirrensroo b Ihe ęathers ano wi I enharire tl e wood gra n efrerl. Make s;re ~he pleafs ar? beld tightly, so tha_ tbpy will noc come nndon? in tbe washing machinę.
Plecse rc‘cr to the gu calires for mbking machinę felting on pcqe 118.
Orce tbe fel:ing cyc e is done, a Iow the piece to ery with the pleats intact Renove was:e yarn caref.illy after the piece is completely dry.
33 thibori kniia