20943 S20C 409120813390

20943 S20C 409120813390

wild s i d e s k i r t can United

Level E>:pe'ienced Knitted Measurements

Mfasirements are giver fo' XS (S, M, L) sizes in that order Btfórcfdting

Waist: 28 (32. 36. £Q)m (71 [81. 91, I01.5|or)

Length: '6 ('6, 17,17)M (40.5 [40.5,43, 43Icm)

Panel width: 4" (lOcm)

Aftcr fcltiw

Waist: 36 (40.44 48)" (9' 1101.5, "2,122.cm)

Ler-gth: 12 (12,13,13)1 (30.5 [30.5, -ii 33|rrr)

Fanel wieth: 5' (12.5on)


Fetting fiber

1 (1. 2. 2 ) skeins c-f Alchemy Yans Sancr jary, 70% marino, 30% silk, 1łi oz (50g), 125 yds (114m), G5c Dragon (colorA), |E§ light

Nonfeltii igfibrr

3 (4. 5,6) skeins oł Yarrs Silkcn Siraw, 100% silk, 1% oz (40g), 236 yds (21 Gm), 7Gc Citr ne (cckr B). śflż fre

24" (60cnfi) circjlar neeule in size US 6 (4irrn) or si?p npedec to obtain geuge

A set of doible-pointed needles in the same s'zc

(2cm) wide elaslk bar d in a length that is T (5cm) longer than desired waist mecsiremeril


Sewing neede ar d threac Tapes:ry neeclc


24 stilches and 28 rows - 4‘ (10rrO in stock nette stitch usinc co or A befure eltir c


The skirt will grow in width after it is ;dted. When selectiog a size, please cnoose t using the post-Pelting rreasurements. Measure youi natural waist or pc-rt cf yoir body where yot want the skirt to resl. The elasticized waistband will cnsjre o a stan fit

The sk ri is nicde uo of several penels. Lach oane starts wiih a narrow s:ockinet:e stiten str p worked in the fel.ing fiber.Then the nonfelting fibe is p cked jp and k lit dlor.y one long edge of the słockinett? strip to complete tl e panel. The parę s are tl en sewn tngether *o form a fjbe. Tłiis type of construcliun encourages a wonćfirful shi.nori r rfle in the roiifelting Iber, and plays un the na nral tpndencies of the :wo fibers tseJ in the piece.

"he use ot double-potted need cs makas knitting morę affident when constr jcting the narrow poreis ot -ęltinc fiber.

Weavhg in *he enris as you work wi I save a great desl o“tire when tne n pcr is conpletpd

Stitch Patterns

Diagonal Mesh Lace Pailem (Werked over cii ever nurnber of strdies)

Row 1 KI, *yo, k2tog; repeactrom x tc the lost s:i:ch, ki.

Row 2 Por.

Row 3 KI, *k2:oq, yo; rcpco: from v to the lost stiten, k1.

Row 4 Purl.

Repeat rows 1-4 for diaoonal lace mesh pattem.

PANELS—MAKE 7 (8, 9, 10)

Usir c colo-A and a double-pointsd neerile, cast on 5 stitches.

Work in stockinette s:i:ch for 15 (15.' 7, 17)" (40.5 [40.5,43,43lcn). Bind oT cli stilches.

Using color B aro the crcj r naedle. and witn the right s će fac ng, pick uo and knit 92 stitches (approxima:elv 5 stitches for every c rows) clono one ong sidc cdac of the stcck re:te stitch strio.

Purl one row.

Work 24 rows in diagoncl mesh lace oattern, tneri bind off all stitches.


Using color A and a doible-poir.ee needle, cast or 3 stitches. Wo k an l-cord (see glossa-y, pac? 121)44(48.52. 56) (112 .122,132.142)or) long, then oind of- al! stitches.


Usina co or A and a ccuble-poinled r eedie, cast nn V stitches, and work in garter st tch for 28 (32, 36,40) (71 [81,91.5. 101.5|cm)

100 bhiiwri knits


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