S20C 409120813383

S20C 409120813383

wild side skirt

Edgy urban meets wabisaki nesthetic in this coiupclling lace mcsh skirt. Mo shrinking vio1et kere, this piece is niemi i lo serio usly shift your thoughts ahmit shibori—lite rally, as Ihe design aclualiy does shift dnimnticaliy in terms of conslncction.

i adore ihe qualit\j offabric ren de red by the shibori method, cspecially in this gar men t—ihe eon tras t of mcsh silk wilh fusedfelled Jiber is gorgeous.

The sensuous drape andfIow of the panek nllowsfor u venj fresh perspeclire on what constitułes crfelted garme.nl, as ihe fabric cmiteii is dc lica tc and truły ethemil with incrcdibic inoucmenl.

Using the ciassic stiibori method of chan ging dircction to areale a ritjflc, Ihe panek areioined in a circle amlfiłted lo a waislband Ihats embeUisked with a whimsiad J-eord. A Ulik sewing experience is helpfui when imking tiiis piece.

O    i

tub tle shibori 99


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