wild side skirt conlinued
Plcase refpr to tnc guidelines for wusking machinefelling on page 118. Al Iow all tnc pieces to ar dry separaiely and coriplete / bcfore asserr.bing.
Spiral Rosę Embfiiltsrwtcnt
Dccide wner? tao center frort ot the skirt wil be, and nr.ark ;t with a T pin.
Pin one cnd of the (-co'd a; the center, thcn pin Ino l-cora arojnd tne top enge ot the s.cirt, endino at the center again.This wili not use jp the entirc l-cord. TwV;st tire remaining end nf tne >-cord or ■ itself to crcate a sn rai (sec pnoto.) With c sewing noedie and mat:hino thread, sew rhe l-crd spiral in place, caiching it front variot.s stdes, to ensure hołd. Cut tl e l-cord i it is teo lonq.
yfaisllwnd A ssembly
Cj‘. the elastic tc the natural wcist measirremen:, plus V (5cm).
Fold the waistbaro in hal", insert the elastic in 'he m cdte, ar u pin it snut.
T«y on *he wc-istband for a oropet f.t, adjusting the elastic as nocessaiy. Ite-meinher that the ends of the elastic need to overlap by at least 1" (2.5crr) when sewing tl en together.
Kemove :he elastic from inside the waistband. Sew the lorg oeges of tne folded waistbord tuyerhe' to nake a casing. leasing a 1 “ (2.5cm) spening jo .nsprt the elastic later.
Pin the wais*harci to the skirt, adjusting the skirt co swag as desired. This swag is rneant to be decoralive as woli as funct onal, and gives you a bit rce opportjnity to cjstoirr7e yojr fit. I allowed the mesh panels to harg down and sewed them to the bottorr edge of the waistbard.. whi'e sewing the felted strips to the top edge ot the waisłnand. Doing this exacg?rated tne undulating hemline uf tne skir:.
When you are happy with the look, caretully try on the skirt again, and adjust it for fit.
If the garter waistband is too lorę. cut il with scissors, beirg caretul to epusition the pinneb mesh panols. Adjust the elastic as needec, and sew tne eros of the waistband togethor.
Chce you are hepoy with tne fi*, sew the waslkand by hand to the skirt usirg o sewing reedlc and Jiread. Insert tne elastic into the casing and sew the ends logether, ocing sire to over.ap at least 1" (2.5cm) of the elastic for a socure hołd. If possible, use a sewirg machinę to sew the elastic becatse ii will prcvidp a moro sectre hord.
Using a sewing need e and threac, sew the casirg openng shut.
On the door of my studio, I have a tiny card that reads: "What are the sections sections of? Imagine a Caterpillar moving."
I love this saying and think about it almost every time I open my studio door. It is a cali to understand the majesty of interconnectedness. Everything is relative to something else. I thought of this principle when making this particular design, the Wild Side Skirt. By afternating panels of differing materials, the effects of the two kinds of fiber employed gave a visual example to the guestion, "What are the sections sections of?"
cin bor i knite