Using color B and wilh Ił e riyhl side fscing, pick up and knit 1 stitcn in every st tch of the lowest ridye of he yarler stiich border at :he top of tl e bag— 136 stitchps loin to werk r: ibe round oy krill r g iks f rsl slitch tliat you pickec up. Mark that first stitch, and work in slockinells slitdi for 5 rounds (kn t every round).
Next round Kła cround 272 stitchos.
Work in stoccinette st tch for 19 roi.nds.
Birdoffal stitenes.
Crochet edging Jsing color 3, wor< 3 rounds of single crorhet around the entire ruff e and faster off.
Using color A and a double-poimed rieedle. and w tn the wrorig side facing, o ck jp 3nd <nir 14 stitdies al llie top of a "sIkmI* side panel.
Work in garter stitcn for 25" (63.5cm).
Using color A and a douhlp-poinred reedle, pick up and knit' 4 slildies on the opposite side of the bag, and join thesp stitrhes to the strap using a lliree* wedle bird-oT.
Jsing color A and a douo c-pointcd roedle. and w tn the rig.nt side facing, p ck up and cnit 12 stitchcs, ccntcrcd at the top of a "long" side panel
Work in garter stitcn for c rows, then bind crf all stitclies. BUTTOMllOLL TAB
Jsing coloi A and a douo e pointed needle. pick up and knit' 2 stitchcs on the opposite side of the bag, and knit 2 rews.
Next 2 rows (buttonhole)
Row 1 K5, bind uff 2 slitches, k5.
Row 2 K5, cast on 2 stitches, <5.
Knit 2 rows, tlieri bind off all slildies.
Usc a tapestry recdlc :o weave r all tne loese ends, beino surę to weave at least 3" (7 5cm) 0'cach ond to ensure a cight hołd ćudng tne felting process.
Tie a snoelace chrnjgh tne nuttonhole lo keep il frorn dosing during the ng process.
Fel ring
Pleasc retor to the cuicslines for washing machinę felting on page 11H. Shaoe oy liand, especially pulfing out ary areas that might havc d*awn in norc tightly tian desired during the feltino process. Allow the bag to air dry gently and slcwly, prefsrabfy withcut any undue weight pt ling on any part, especially ihe strap (unless you want a loncer strap). With a cool iror, scfte i the silk (r unfdling) fibe' by geritly pressing it. Doing tfiis will give the sik gieat supple ness and will adc flounce to the luffle.
Whcn the bag is completcly ery, sew a but:on :o the bittonhole tab.
Bani Embellishmenl
l.sing the beadirn needle and toread, and beumriny al one end of the st ąp, sew j to 4 beads per 'idge o" felled fabric. The beads are ineanl .o fi. in the little grocve that is rrea:ec hy the gartp' stitrh after 'eltirig. Do not Iry to make the beads linę uo in perfect rows. A norę naturaI and snmewhat irregular placemenl wi I oring cfepth and a good rnytnrr of color and light to the strap. Do not create unnecessary tension by pulling teo tight y on the thread.
sitibori crentiviiv 53