position at t = 0 is that of the complex phasor, and rotate it in a counter-clockwise
direction on the Argand diagram at an angular frequency w, starting at time t = 0 at the
position illustrated in Figurę 1.1, and watch the values of the projection on the horizontal
axis of the rotating arm which results.
Notice in the above exposition that we have not said that the phasorrotates. To do
so would contradict the definition of the phasor as a time invariant quantity. We have
given a different name, namely rotating arm, to the thing that rotates.
In establishing the notation described above, we have been able, because it is available,
to use different calligraphy, namely v (italic) and V (upright Roman), to distinguish the
real time-varying variables directly representing the physical quantities, and the time
invariant complex phasorsindirectly representing them. The difference in notationis
helpful in avoidingmisunderstandings.
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