S20C 409120813250

S20C 409120813250

little bear's bonnet and booty set continued


Althocch I recoT.mcnd felting the booties to brinq oj: the unusuol chsracteristics of tic ongoio fiber, I cc not recomnenć feltirg tl e bonnet. The bonnet is rade prirrarky of the s.lk fiber, and will not be aiected by the shibori piocess.

Once felted, rh? riiffle at tne top ox the bootie wi I fali tc the oitside o'the bootie Pay particu a' attention to weacing ,n your ends, know-ng the wrong side will become the right side 3*ter felting.

Ar gore does not felt with the same characteńsfcs as wool or mohaii. A snorter limę wil be needed for felting—appro.xima:ely 5 rrinLles on the gentle cyc e.The fabric uealed will slill sl ow stitcli definitiun, ar o the tiansformaiion will be a bit ii c.-t* suotle Lhan :hal of morę lypica fe t ng fibers. Do no: overfell!

Stitch Patterns

2x2 Rib Patrenr

(Worked over a multiple of 4 stitches plus 2)

Row 1 K2, xo2, k2; 'epeat frorr * to the end.

Row 2 P2, *k2, p2; repeat from ' :o llie end.

Repeat rows' and 2 "or 2x2 r b pattern.

1x1 Rib Pu t tern

(Worked over an even nunber of stitches)

Every row *K1, pl; 'epeat trorr * to the end.

Sml Stitch Pu ttern

(Wor<ed cver ar ever number of stitches)

Row 1 *K1, p1; repeat tot. * to the end.

Row 2 *P1, k'; repeat fron * to the erć.

Repeat rows 1 and 2 for seec slilći paltem.



Using cclor B and larger circular neecle, cast on 63 st tch.es, one knrt 2 rows.

Work 4 rows in slockinelle slilch, hsghning with a kni: row.

Next row K2tog acoss tnc *ow—34 stitches.

PLr one row.

Notę: If you want to cli.rinatc the ruffle, cast on 34 stitches, and knit 2 rows.


Chonce to colorA, and work 16 rows h 2x2 rib pat.en.

Next row (make eyelets) KI, *vo, k2:og; repeat rem * to tho last stitch. ki.

Pu rl one row.


Work ii 2x2 r t pattern across 12 stitches, and slip these stitcics o.nto a stitch holder.

Work in 2x2 rib pattern across 10 srirches, and slip the remaining 12 sl tches from thp lef- neecle ontc a second holder.

Work r.g across the center 10 stitches, continua in 2x2 rib palem for 11 Toro 'ows.

Next row (Right Side) Work in 2x2 rib pattern across 10 stitches. then pick np and knit 8 stitches *rcm the side cf the hstep. then work in 2x2 rib patterr across tne 12 stitches from the laft-slde hclcsr.

Next row (Wrong Side) Work in 2x2 rib pcllem across row, pick up and knit 8 stitches from the othei side of the inslep, I ren work in /x2 r h pat-tern across the 12 st Ich es from Ih.e reinain ng hnlcer—->t) shtrheś.

48 shibori knus


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