**Cnangc to colo- B and :hc smol er needles.
Next 4 rows
Row 1 Kfb across the row the rumber cf stitches is doubled.
Row 2 Knit.
Row 3 K1, sskr <ni: to the ast 3 stitches, k2:oq, k!—2 stitches decreased. Row 4 Krit.**
Chanoe ta color C.
Next 4 rows
Row 1 K2tog across the row—the nam ter o* stitches is halved.
Row 2 Change to the ayer needles, and u.jrl
Row 3 KI, ssk, kr.it :o the last 3 stitches, <2toę, <1—2 stitches decreased.
Row 4 [\jrl.
Rcoeat rows 3 and 4 until this ca or seaion ircosurcs Vf*m (7cm), ending with oper row.
Work a color B sect on trom ** to ** (with dccreashg).
Row 4 Pu..
Repeat rows 3 and 4 urtl you ha\/e 20 stitches.
Werk even in stocki lette stitch until this color sedior measures 1 Vi" (3.8c;r). erdirc with a pti row.
v v ACliariue ta colo* E and the mi a ler needles.
Next row <tb across the row—4Q stitches.
Werk even ir garler stitch fa' 3 rows (no shaping).***
Charge* to color A.
Next 2 rows
Raw 1 K7tog across "he row—20 stitches
Row 2 Change to the a*qer needles and pud.
Work even in srockinetie stitch urt l this colo- section measures 4“ (lOcm), ending with a purl row
P ace narker at the edge ot the iabric, to denote the top o‘ the piece. If you woj Id like the sl rg to be longcr, wor< a few morę 'ows in this color sect'cn.
Change to color A.
Next 4 rows
Row 1 K2:og ac oss the row the number of stitches is hałved.
Row 2 Change to the larcer need es, arc purl.
Row 3 KI, ss.<, klit tc the last 3 sftches, k2toq, ki—2 stitches decreased. Row 4 Purl.
Bepeat rows 3 and 4 ur lii this color sect on neasures 4W (11 cm), ending wth a pur row.
Work a color E setlion Iron ** lu ** (willi dec-easiny).
Change to co.r.r C.
Next 4 rows
Row 1 K2tog across the row—the r umbę* cf stitches is halved.
Row 2 Charce to the larger needles, and purl.
Row 3 K1, ssk, cni: to the ast 3 stitches, k2toq, ki—2 stitches decreased.
shibori crentioiti/ 57