Using MySQL and memcached with Ruby
There are a number of different modules for interfacing to memcached within Ruby.
The Ruby-
MemCache Client library provides a native interface to memcached that does not require any external
libraries, such as libmemcached. You can obtain the installer packagefrom
To install, extract the package and then run install. rb:
shell> install. rb
If you have RubyGems, you can install the Ruby-MemCache gem: shell> gem install Ruby-MemCache
Bulk updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org Install reąuired dependency io-reactor? [Yn] y Successfully installed Ruby-MemCache-O.0.1 Successfully installed io-reactor-O.05 Installing ri documentation for io-reactor-O.05...
Installing RDoc documentation for io-reactor-O.05...
To use a memcached instance from within Ruby, create a new instance of the MemCache object. reąuire 'memcache’
memc = MemCache::new ''
You can add a weight to each server to increase the likelihood of the server being selected during
hashing by appending the weight count to the server host name/port string:
reąuire 'memcache'
memc - MemCache::new ''
To add servers to an existing list, you can append them directly to the MemCache object:
memc +- (""]
To set data into the cache, you can just assign a value to a key within the newcache object, which
works just like a standard Ruby hash object:
memc("key"] - "value"
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