ANNA sum09 USA12

ANNA sum09 USA12

textures. species and featfers that the possifcditres are endkess. The same goes for fish. with their scales and shape. And I can change the formi and palerte to please mysetf. Right now l'm ntroducing morę snakes and foxes that are also msp*ed by folk art-l Iowę the simplicity of the matenaU they used to wpress thee own «oke. whtch was playful. imagmatiwe and an e ipreswon of their own souls Ewerything I treate should catch you off guard and make you think. tf l'm not interested m makmg a work. rt won i be mterestmg to you

Q; How do youchoose the marvelous cdors you use?

A: For tire majonty of my w«k. I use DMC 6-strand embrudery and peail cotton twist because the ranges of coiors are so broad. I begin with bbck-bne skrtches andmaterials that I ha/eon hand to mspee me Nothng is premeditated; itsjust a personal concepL My palet te has terturr and wdumr. bult up by twist ing sancius threads I newer copy anything. Ewerything is irxłv<Juał. as wtsualiced in my own eye and mind Each piece is ore-of a bnd ard gallery or*nted-and each is meant to be framed matted and displayed

Q: You sometimes add other surprhe ełements to your wcrks like wood. beads and oil pasteli or rag paper. What prompts you to do this and whjt effects do they ach»eve?

A: I rmuder myself open-minded and like to eiperiment. And ałthcugh l've maintamed my core franng. fve also redefmed it and wełcome other ideas l've fcund my cjstomers notire the rhanges and arp suprised Its my shmularing There are no ■embroidery” police. so I ;mt go for it and try whatem I want to do

Q: fresently. you hawe two separate Galleries on you Website (wwwreneehartis. net). What are the differerces between the two?

A: I chose to separate the embel nhed felt from the solid embrordery on linen fcr two rcasons: Both corrrey umiar styłeś and ideas. but nccd diffcrent thojght processes to understand I lewe both in a different way: A totally emfroidered felt piece reqwres a slow. methodical buildup of many strtches to achiewe a successful piece The embel lished felt piece is morę about combostions of processes-making felt by hand. embroidery construction and then addng to it. Both are impoctant ways to commumcate. but mdividually they hołd d fferent meanmgs for me.

Q: Most of you pieces seem to be for pnwate collechony Do you also produce for retarf consumers and if so. where can they hnd what is Milabie anc the puce rangę? A: Retail s mostly through natioral crafts shows where I build my ebentele and e-maii lists. At a show. a customer can choose from a number of works. Generally I work on two to three pieces at a time so as not to get stale. If someone wants something special done to an existmg piece HI work with them to make it pe-sonal And fm always willing to accommodate new romrmssions-asking the initial qoeshon. Whar coiors don’t you I**?’ This K what rrakes me tfu* differently

Q: You resune reflects many national gallery and museun exhb«ts. participation in juned craft shows and awards and grants. What are you worbng on now?

A: want to finish a bock that fwe beer worłcing on for a coupłc of years—it contans light hearted limencks on birds in different situations. with embrudered illustrat ons tłiat are then photograplred as the vrsuals. Tm also working on VD smali, intimate awdhouses. chairs (the back of tlie draiis are tł«ee mclies wide

AbOVt ~Red Łye~ creoted with conon threod embrordety on Knen fobne. TOP Tdfc/tg the Pyngfnh Toki flotne' n hand felted wod and emb'Ofdrr/

reflecting whimucal folk art) And Id like to spend morę time with nry first lcve. illustrating buildng up a body of work.

Q: What with ail the tusmess of doing business.' what do you do m you "spare* time?

A: fm an avid reader. Iowę the science of propagating plants and being n the garoen-from April lirst to the end of August. I hase the 'earthy' hngernail IcoIl l frequent flea markets. "cod” mowies and enjoy family and fn«ndv Tm not a true chef, but I eryoy eating well-preparecl interestmg focd and admt that I can make and bakę a delioous pie from sciatch. And of course. cwerything I encounter fceds my crcathre beiqg wNIe reading takes me to places where l hawe been or woukj Iowę to go.

Renee Hann work eon be fcund on Pteoi* iee her websire for exhibit informor-on.

www AnnaCrafltcom finno II


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