Skitl Intermedute
• V'tyd(A3cm) Iren fabrk. S5“ (WOcmJ-wide • VSytJ (lOcm) cotton fabrk. 45 (115cm)w«Je. m each ol yellow (strpe AJ. orahge(atnpe Bjand wat (atrpe C)* rayon rrwetitne embrokiery thread n yellow. oon ge, ru« and metali* gold • beadrg necdle
• Viyd(50un) fuaible taw • Wyd (20tm] paper-backed fuaible web • 'Ayd (20an) waier iołuble embrcudwy backng • beada I and 8 (see bead aymbols key. page SI)
Not* VV (km) wam allowance mcluded n meaurementa From bner. cut one ISWi36 W (J9x92cm) rectangle- frem fleece. cut one 1J V4’iT7 W (JSrtScm) rectangle From fuaible web. cut three 15 V4V (40x2 Scm) strpa.
1 Fum * wtb atrp to wrong aide of each color of cotton f ax < Cut 15)4’ (40cm)-łong strips aafoliowa: a VV(l.Scm) ruat atrip. a W p.Scm) orange Unp and a W (km) ydlow atrp.
2 Fme IWre in center of Nnen rectangle Turn mds of linen to wreng aide. even with fleece edgea. and preaa; open out linen ł Meaaute m W (2cm) from left foki and fuve rvat atnp to front of Imen. Meaaue in V%'(l.$cm) from right fold and fuae yrttow strip Measjre « 2* |Scm) from nght fold agair and fuae o rangę atrp Sew ngtag atitchea aloog both edgea of each atrp.
4 Place embrcMdery backing under each atrip Follow placemat pałterna on center pattern raert. aide A. to machinę embroider deaigna on atrips. uung aaaorted rhread rotora aa dea*eri Arrows mdicate pattern repeata.
5 Pm short enda of Iner together. with nght sidea faongand raw edgea even Sew a W (km) wam, kwving 4* (lOcm) open at center. Preaa aeam open. Sew upper and Iow er edgea of linen together. atitcNng along edge of fleece Tnm comera. turn nght aide out Preaa
6 Skpatitch cpening doaed. Sew beads m place, aa shown on placemat paitema cn center pattern inaert. aide A
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