ANNA sum09 USA24

ANNA sum09 USA24

Ship Ahoy!

With embellishments in huck

embroidery, filet crochet and cross-stitch, this maritime collection is its own little needlearts festival.


Slnll l»vtl Intermodure FINISHED MEASUREMENTS

Tabłeclolh 'mcluding lace edgng) n WA' (92cm| squaie: lace edging rs    (6cm) wkJe


•    Yfd (lmt K>0% cotton huck fabnc n bkje 67' (T70cmF#ode (Zweigart, Art 3331/S54 "Sttdtholn*

   Anchor bnbrcdery Rost No 5 [Coats|: I skcm each ir colors 2. \ A. 2 skens cKfi in cołcrs I and 5 (sce floss color tary. cpposrtc page)

•    Cotton crochet tlnead No. 20 *i med. bbie. Iw 409yd balH

•    Steel oochct hooks. sutes 8 and K) (I and 12Smm)

•    EUnt etnbroidery needle NOTES

Huck embroidery Hccl v»ea»e fabnc has floats ol thread paes (TP). alt« nalely m direction of warp and weft. on the surface of densely woven fabnc. The pattems are woried by using a Mont embroidery needle to pass the embroidery thread under these thread pa es to the out lines. r hourontal. wtcal (illustration A bełw). o* diagonal lines. without catching the fabric beneath the floats. to reach the next row witNn a paltem, run the needle through the fabnc under the out linę. pass the thread ałong the wrong side to the next row. bnng needle up to r-ght udo, and conlnue working the paltem foliowing paltem chart. Ihe a fi ner point ed needle to hrde the beginnngs and cnds of thrcads as foliowi; Insert needle through the fabnc under the TP. then dam m the end on the wtong sde along the lines of the paltem

Twnted Loop Stitch FoHow steps l. 2 and 3 betów

www AnnaOafmorn Anno 23


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