Petal People
Good fairies are bełcned by everyone and the little fairy dolls in Fouies Petol People You Make Yourself. written by Rachel Haab. are no exception. The supplies that accompany this charming mstruction book—beads. flonsts wire. embroidery floss colored pencils. glue and a bunch of colorful petals—are enough to create delightful faux flower-petal dresses for 12 pix»es. Fcr ages 8 and up.
Eco-consdous Oeuf. a childrens design company bo sod in Brooklyn. New York. helps transfomn the lives of women and children in Bolma by supporting their one-of-a-bnd creatrons. bhown is a cdlection of colorful butterłlieshand-crocheted from 100 percent alpaca wool and placed m glass-ccvered wooden boxes. Available in sers of two. three and six, each beautiful piece is Fair Trade for the benefit of the artisans.
Looking for a new embroidery challenge? Try blackwork. a technipue m whlch both simple and intncate partems are worked on a counted fabric using varymg th*cknesses of black embroidery thread THs charming Ch dcadee, just one of many pattems from Berlin Embroidery Design is worked as a dmnensional pkture by changing the thickness of the thread and den sity of stitcnes. Induded in the bt is an mstructłon booklet. trssue paper. thread flosv lapestry needle and a choice of Belfast linen or Etamin 100 percent cotton. Get free e-mail feedhack advice and tips with bt purchase.
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—Produced and wntten by Kitty Cox
8 Anno Suromcr 2009